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Bucks County Community College


The Basics of Effective Learning
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Welcome to "The Basics of Effective Learning!" This web site was developed to provide you with the basic information you need to be a successful student at Bucks. The information presented on this site has been field-tested in the Study Skills Seminar. Many students have reported that after completing this course, they have improved their grades by one to two grade levels. So we know that this information is useful!

If you have never explored a web site like this one, here are a few hints to help you to navigate this site.

  1. Start by finding out who you are as a learner. Take the assessment and then determine which study skills or concepts of learning will be most useful to you for further exploration.
  2. Notice that you can explore topics by glancing over the main points, or you can choose to explore a topic in detail-- depending on your needs and interests.
  3. There are also a number of forms and other documents that you can download for personal use on a regular basis.
  4. We have tried to provide navigational information to help you easily get back and forth from this site to others. If you start to feel lost, you can always go to the site map, go BACK, or go HOME.
  5. All of these features can be accessed from the site map.

The "buck" doesn't stop here. This is just a starting point. To really be successful, you need to be self-motivated and you need to take advantage of the many support services available at Bucks. You can start to check out these services by visiting these sites:

  • Student Services Home
  • Careers Home
  • Developmental Education Services

A text-only version of this site can be accessed.
There are also references to other web sites that are written in other languages.

We'd love to hear your comments.
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Developed by Meg Keeley
Special Populations Office, Bucks County Community College

With funding from the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act
Designed and Produced by Chimera Studio

Copyright 1997 Bucks County Community College. All rights reserved.
Last Page Update: 02/22/2017
Author: keeleym@bucks.edu