Student Life Information
We Have the Answers!
The Student Life and Athletics Programs Office has been designed with a large reception window to serve your needs.
Newtown Campus: Rollins Student Center, 2nd floor, Room 112
Fall / Spring semester: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Summer I and II and III: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Questions? Stop by, call us at 215-968-8257, or email us at We're here to help.
- Staff to answer questions
- Student organization information
- Student organization forms
- Athletic recruitment information
- SEPTA 130 Route
- SEPTA link for other Routes
- Housing List
- Student Activities Calendar
- Fax Machine
- Free local calls
- Internal and Student Advertisement postings
- Volunteer information
- Drug and Alcohol Help Information
- Student Leadership Information
- Ride Share Bulletin Board
Student Employment Opportunities
Student Life and Athletic Programs offers a variety of student worker positions like information window/counter staff, athletic game workers, gymnasium attendants, and athletic worker generalists. We are always looking for energetic and hard working students who are willing to answer phones, help students, post events, work games, help set up campus events and programs.
No experience necessary, but you must qualify for federal work study.
For more information about qualifying for federal work study visit the Financial Aid Office.