Student Government Association Constitution
Constitution of the Bucks County Community College
Student Government Association
Approved: June 8, 2020
We the students, of Bucks County Community College, deriving our authority from the Bucks County Community College Board of Trustees, hereby establishes the Bucks County Community College Student Government Association, which shall be the governing body of the students of Bucks County Community College, Thereby placing the responsibilities to act on behalf of the interest of the Student Body, and all Clubs and Organizations, in the possession of the Student Government Association.
Article I
Section I (Name & Membership)
This organization shall be known as the Bucks County Community College Student Government Association (SGA). All persons enrolled in a course or courses for credit at Bucks County Community College shall automatically be members of the Student Association and shall have the right to vote in the general elections of Student Government Association Executive Officers.
Article II
Section I (Purposes)
The purpose of the Student Government Association shall be to form a representative, constructive and responsible student government; to promote beneficial understanding among the students, faculty, and the administration; to foster the recognition of the rights and responsibilities to the students in such a capacity as to further their interest and well-being.
★ To represent the Student Body in all dealings with the Board of Trustees, the administration, faculty, organizations, and the public.
★ To promote maximum effective participation by students on college committees in the college governance structure.
★ To receive, consider, and as appropriate, act on expressions of concern by students about college policies or practices.
★ To gather and disseminate to the student body information not otherwise available that will be helpful to students in making the most effective use of their time at Bucks County Community College.
★ To administer the Student Activities Fee in the best interest of the Student Association.
★ To oversee and assist in the development, and the activities of Student Association clubs and organizations.
★ To facilitate an on-campus program of social and recreational activities through the respective Liaison for each campus for students.
Section II (Powers)
The following powers and responsibilities shall be derived from the Bucks County Community College Board of Trustees and shall use them on behalf of the interest of the Student Body, Clubs, and Organizations.
★ The Student Government Association shall be the policy-making body of the Student Association within its area of responsibility.
★ The Student Government Association may require any Executive Officer to account for their activities, whether through regularly scheduled reports or special hearings. It may, on the basis of such accounting or reports, give appropriate guidance or direction to the Executive Officer concerned.
★ The Student Government Association shall have the power to remove elected officials from office, and then replace the newly vacant position, how to conduct both are provided in Article X.
★ The Student Government Association may place on the ballot at any regularly scheduled election a referendum question or questions relating to the activities of the Association under its jurisdiction. Such referenda shall be advisory in nature.
★ The Student Government Association may enact such by-laws consistent with this Constitution, as it considers advisable. When enacted, by-laws shall be recorded in the appropriate handbook of standing operating procedures.
★ The Student Government Association shall have the exclusive power to distribute allocated funds to Clubs and Organizations, and using the funds for programs for the Student Body.
★ The Student Government Association shall have the power to approve and revoke the charters of campus clubs and organizations. Charters shall be granted by a simple majority vote and revoked by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, following a formal hearing or hearings if requested by the club or organization concerned.
Article III
Section I (Offices of the Student Government Association)
The Student Government Association shall consist of nine (9) Executive Officers.
• President • Vice President
• Treasurer • Secretary
• Newtown Liaison • Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks Liaison
• Upper Bucks Liaison • Director of Digital Advocacy and Historian
• Director of Off-Campus Programming
Article IV
Section I (Eligibility)
The following are the requirements to be an Executive Officer of the Student Government Association. The only requirement to be a member of the Student Government Association is to be a student at Bucks County Community College.
★ Be enrolled at Bucks County Community College for three (3) or more credits.
★ Have achieved at the time of his/her election or appointment a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better. This provision will not apply to a student in his/her first academic semester.
★ Maintain thereafter a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better.
Section II (Term of Office)
In this section, the subject of terms for the Executive Officers, including the President in separate detail, will be discussed in regard to length.
★ Executive Officers shall serve a one (1) year term running from the Annual Student Awards Luncheon in May, following the election, until the Annual Student Awards Luncheon in May of the following year.
★ Any Executive Officer (besides the President) may serve no more than two (2) terms.
★ For the position of President, no student may serve in that position for more than one (1) term.
★ Any student may serve two (2) full terms in one Executive Officer position, then serve another two (2) in any other position, this all besides the exception of the Presidency. Once cumulatively served for two (2) terms in any position they may not go back and serve another term ever in that position. If one term served for the Presidency, one may never again serve another term in that position.
★ If wanting to run for a position, that student must have the intention of fulfilling out the full term of that office, unless removed from office, as explained in Article X, Section I, titled, “Removal From Office.”
Article V
Section I (Duties and Responsibilities)
The duties and responsibilities of Executive Officers and the Members of the Student Government Association. Each Officer shall maintain a handbook for standing operating procedures for their office. These handbooks shall be policy documents of the Executive Board and may be amended by the resolution of the Executive Board. Each elected person of the Student Government Association shall miss no more than two (3) scheduled meetings per semester without proper authorization.
★ Executive Officers
○ President
■ President at Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Representation Board meetings and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Represent the Student Government Association in all dealings with the administration, Faculty, or Board of Trustees.
■ Oversee and coordinate all the activities of the Student Government Association.
■ Provide for the orderly conduct of functions of temporarily vacant offices.
■ Organize and serve as chair (attend and supervise) in all meetings of the Student Judiciary Committee (Board under Vice President).
■ Does not vote in any Executive Board votes, but acts as a tiebreaker if a tie occurs.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
○ Vice President
■ Vice President at Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Judiciary Board meetings and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Vote in Executive Board Votes.
■ Oversee the internal management of Student Association Affairs.
■ Serve as the Parliamentarian (versed in the procedure and by-laws) of the Student Government Association.
■ Administer the process for filling vacancies and going through impeachment proceedings.
■ Look over and be a non-voting member of any and all sub-committees.
■ Ensure the coordination and implementation of educational, cultural, social, and recreational programs.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
■ Interview and place students into positions that they would thrive in, this includes into boards under Executive Officers.
○ Treasurer
■ Treasurer at Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Financial Board meetings and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Vote in Executive Board Votes.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
■ Maintain accounts of all receipts and disbursements for the Student Government Association, and with all Clubs and Organizations.
■ Maintain financial records and prepare regular financial reports as directed by the Student Government Association.
○ Secretary
■ Secretary at Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Communication Board meetings and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Vote in Executive Board Votes.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
■ Record minutes of the Student Government Association Meetings.
■ See to the timely dissemination (spreading of knowledge) of minutes to Student Government members and other interested persons.
■ Work alongside the Director of Digital Advocacy and Historian as an exclusive custodian of the records of the Student Government Association.
■ Be a bridge of communication to the Clubs and Organizations of Bucks County Community College.
○ Newtown Liaison
■ Newtown Liaison at Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Newtown Representation Board meetings and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Vote in Executive Board Votes.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
■ Coordinate with those in Student Life for events that the Student Government Association can do for the Student Body.
■ Coordinate and keep communication open with those Clubs and Organizations at the Newtown Campus.
■ Keep an open ear and hold tables at the Newtown Campus.
○ Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks Liaison
■ Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks Liaison at Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks Representation Board meetings, and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Vote in Executive Board Votes.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
■ Coordinate with the directors of the campus for events that the Student Government Association can do for the Student Body.
■ Coordinate and keep communication open with those Clubs and Organizations at the Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks.
■ Keep an open ear and hold tables at the Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks.
○ Upper Bucks Liaison
■ Upper Bucks Liaison at Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Upper Bucks Representation Board meetings and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Vote in Executive Board Votes.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
■ Coordinate with the directors of the campus for events that the Student Government Association can do for the Student Body.
■ Coordinate and keep communication open with those Clubs and Organizations at the Upper Bucks Campus.
■ Keep an open ear and hold tables at the Upper Bucks Campus.
○ Director of Digital Advocacy and Historian
■ Director of Digital Advocacy and Historian at the Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Digital Advocacy and Historian Board meetings, and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Vote in Executive Board Votes.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
■ Work alongside the Secretary as an exclusive custodian of the records of the Student Government Association.
■ Responsible for all of the Student Government Association’s social media, and is in charge of determining what is appropriate to post.
■ In charge of looking back in the archives to see what past Student Governments have done.
■ In charge of archiving the current Student Government’s events and photos.
○ Director of Off-Campus Programming
■ Director of Off-Campus Programming at the Student Government Association and Executive Board meetings.
■ Oversee and conduct Off-Campus Programming Board meetings, and delegate responsibilities to those on the board.
■ Vote in Executive Board Votes.
■ Act in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Board.
■ looks for opportunities in the surrounding community for the Student Government Association to participate in.
■ Plans and oversees trips that the Student Government Association goes on.
★ Duties and Responsibilities to the entire Executive Board
○ Actively promote Student Government and what it offers, and recruit peers to be interviewed to join SGA/ inform the Student Body of all Student Government Association activities.
○ Gather student opinion on how to make the College better and more enjoyable, then take the recommendations and see what SGA can do to help/ receive, and organize all Student Association concerns, comments, and questions.
○ All members of the Executive Board serve as a Liaison between SGA and the Clubs, Organization, Students, and Staff.
Article VI
Section I (Executive Board)
The Executive Board shall consist of the Executive Officers of the Student Government Association, and therefore commit to the following responsibilities.
★ Prepare the agenda for all Student Government Association meetings.
★ Advise, assist, and be a partner to the President in all of what the Student Government Association does, with also providing oversight and coordination of all Student Government Association activities.
★ Be the voice and the representative for the Student Body and the College as a whole.
Section II (Standing Committees)
There shall be nine (9) standing committees of the Student Government Association. Each committee chairperson shall be an Officer from the Executive Board and maintain a handbook with a set of basic standard operating procedures to go by. At any point, the Officer that presides as a chairperson can bring up to the Executive Board any changes to the handbook that may need to take place and will be put up for a vote.
★ Representation Board (President’s Board)
○ This Board will be the face of the Student Government Association, by spreading awareness of what SGA offers and does, and shall be responsible for communication between SGA and the Student Body.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the President, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
★ Judiciary Board (Vice President’s Board)
○ This Board will be the Judicial hand of the Student Government Association, through participating in disciplinary proceedings when called upon under current policies of Bucks County Community College and the Student Government Association Constitution. This Board will also be tasked with looking through Club and Organization Constitutions.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the Vice President, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
★ Finance Board (Treasurer’s Board)
○ This Board shall look over all allocated and generated funds, process and handle transfers of funds to Clubs and Organizations. It will also be the responsibility to keep a balanced budget and to lend a guiding hand to the Clubs and Organizations so that they are able to do the same.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the Treasurer, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
★ Communication Board (Secretary’s Board)
○ This Board shall be charged with informing the Student Association of all Student Government Association and Club and Organization activities, through keeping a bridge of communication between SGA and them.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the Secretary, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
★ Newtown Representation Board (Newtown Liaison’s Board)
○ This Board shall be charged with representing the Student Association as a well-organized entity that promotes educational, cultural, social, and recreational activities. This Board shall, whenever possible, assist and cooperate with other Newtown Campus organizations in the planning of their respective programs.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the Newtown Liaison, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
★ Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks Representation Board (Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks Liaison’s Board)
○ This Board shall be charged with representing the Student Association as a well-organized entity that promotes educational, cultural, social, and recreational activities. This Board shall, whenever possible, assist and cooperate with other Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks organizations in the planning of their respective programs.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the Gene and Marlene Epstein Campus at Lower Bucks Liaison, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
★ Upper Bucks Representation Board (Upper Bucks Liaison’s Board)
○ This Board shall be charged with representing the Student Association as a well-organized entity that promotes educational, cultural, social, and recreational activities. This Board shall, whenever possible, assist and cooperate with other Upper Bucks Campus organizations in the planning of their respective programs.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the Upper Bucks Liaison, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
★ Digital Advocacy and Historian Board (Director of Digital Advocacy and Historian’s Board)
○ This Board shall be charged with representing the Student Association as a well-organized entity that promotes educational, cultural, social, and recreational activities on its social platforms it is actively on. This Board shall, whenever possible, assist and cooperate with other Campus Clubs and Organizations in the advertisement and endorsement of their activities and events.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the Director of Digital Advocacy and Historian, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
★ Off-Campus Programming Board (Director of Off-Campus Programming’s Board)
○ This Board shall be charged with representing the Student Association as a well-organized entity that promotes educational, cultural, social, and recreational activities. This Board shall, whenever possible, assist and cooperate with other Campus Clubs and Organizations in the planning of their respective activities and events along with the Student Government Association’s outside of the Bucks County Community College Campuses.
○ The members of this Board shall be chaired by the Director of Off-Campus Programming, responsibilities will also be delegated to those in the Board by the chairperson.
Article VII
Section I (How Meetings Should Be Conducted)
The following procedures laid out is how the Student Government Association should and will conduct their meetings, as these are basic standards to help guide meetings along.
★ All of the three types of meetings of the Student Government Association shall take place at least bi-weekly (once every two weeks), with emergency meetings called when necessary. The time and place of all meetings called shall be given appropriate publicity so that all SGA members, Officers, and Advisors, along with the Student Body, are able to have ample time to prepare to attend.
○ Meetings must also be held at each of the Bucks County Community College’s Campuses every other month (every two months).
★ a quorum (minimum number of members needed for a meeting) shall consist of five (5), Executive Officers/ members. A simple majority of the Executive Officers/ members present and voting at a meeting is necessary to approve any motion except a constitutional agreement.
★ Voting shall take place once a motion has been called, followed by a second. the presiding officer (President or Vice President) shall vote only to break a tie vote.
★ The procedure shall be modeled after “Robert's Rules of Order” and shall be followed except where other provisions are made in this Constitution or in by-laws duly adopted.
Section II (Type of Meetings)
The Student Government Association shall have three (3) types of meetings conducted.
★ Student Government Association Meeting
○ Those who attend this meeting will consist of the Executive Board members, all members of SGA, all members of the Student Body (Everyone is allowed to attend).
○ This meeting will consist of each Executive Board Officer/ Member reporting in on. It is for the Student Body to observe their government at work. It will also host Clubs and Organizations to bring attention to any matters that may need to be dealt with.
○ These Meetings will be held on any one of the Bucks County Community College Campuses.
★ Executive Board Meeting
○ These meetings shall include only the Executive Board Officers/ Members.
○ In these meetings, each Executive Board Officer/ Member shall receive responsibilities to delegate to their Board members in Special Board Meetings. The meeting will also be used to interview those interested in SGA (if any).
○ These Meetings will be held on any one of the Bucks County Community College Campuses unless there are not interviews to conduct in which, they can be conducted over a mobile device or at an off-campus location.
★ Special Board Meeting
○ These meetings shall include an Executive Board Officer/ Member to be the presiding officer of the meeting, and that members Board Members.
○ The meeting’s objective will be to discuss what is going on in that board and to delegate the responsibilities given in the Executive Board Meeting to then later present what was accomplished in the Student Government Association Meeting.
○ These Meetings will be held on any one of the Bucks County Community College Campuses or, they can be conducted over a mobile device or at an off-campus location.
Article VIII
Section I (Elections)
When elections must be held, how they are held, and eligibility is all accounted for in this section.
★ Elections for Executive Officers are held once annually and shall be held no later than the last week in April of each academic year.
★ Elections are coordinated through the Student Life Office. All policies and procedures can be obtained from the director.
★ All members of the Student Association will be eligible to vote. Each voter will have one (1) vote for each office. The candidate who receives the greatest number of votes will be elected. Tie votes will be resolved by the casting of votes during a second election. If a tie remains then the position shall be filled by appointment.
★ To run for an Executive Position, the candidate must meet the requirements laid out in Article IV, Section I, titled, “Eligibility.”
Article IX
Section I (Violations of the Constitution)
The following lays out shall happen if anyone within the Student Government Association, including/ especially Executive Officers, were to commit a Constitutional Violation.
★ Such allegations of committing a violation of the Constitution shall be heard by a Constitutional Court consisting of the Judiciary Board. The procedures used shall be the ones specified for impeachment in Article X, Section I, titled, “Removal From Office.”
★ Should there be a finding of Constitutional violation, the Constitutional Court in consultation with the Executive Board shall have the power to prescribe appropriate remedies to restore good order to the affairs of the Student Association.
Article X
Section I (Removal From Office)
Should an unfortunate situation occur where a member, in any fashion, needs to be removed from the Student Government Association, the following must take place.
★ A bill of impeachment may be brought against any and all elected members of the Student Government Association by five (5) out of the nine (9) Executive members of the Student Government Association or one hundred (100) Members of the Student Body.
○ Such a bill shall state the specific grounds for impeachment and specify the actions or inactions constituting the alleged offense.
★ Grounds for impeachment shall be:
○ Direct violations of this Constitution.
○ Misuse of money.
○ Failure to carry out assigned responsibilities, including attendance and responsibilities as a member of the Student Government Association.
★ The Student Government Association shall sit as a Court of Impeachment. Impeachment proceedings shall be open to the Student Body. The accused is entitled to present evidence, call witnesses, or make statements as they may desire as their own defense.
★ If at the end of the impeachment proceedings the defendant is found guilty by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Court of Impeachment, present, and voting (the accused may partake in this vote), they shall be removed from office.
Section II (Filling Vacant Positions)
When a position is vacant, the following measures shall be taken to fill the vacant seat.
★ The Student Government Association shall declare an elective office vacant when:
○ The incumbent submits a written resignation.
○ An Officer fails to maintain an enrollment of at least three (3) credits in Bucks County Community College.
○ An incumbent's cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0.
○ An impeachment proceeding under Article X, Section I, titled, “Removal From Office” results in the decision to remove the individual from office.
★ If the Office of President falls vacant, the Vice President shall become President, and the position of Vice President shall fall vacant and will need to be filled by appointment.
★ If an Executive office is vacant it must be filled, unless it is less than one (1) full month away from the first day of a regularly scheduled election, in that case, the position will remain vacant until after the election. This applies to all Executive Offices with the exception of the President which must be filled no matter what.
★ Vacancies in every office, other than that of the President, shall be filled by appointment by the President and Vice President of the Student Government Association.
Article XI
Section I (Amendments and Redrafting of the Constitution)
To add on an Amendment, or to Redo the Constitution of the Student Government Association, the following must be followed in precise detail, without deviation.
★ A proposal by the Student Body.
○ One hundred (100) members of the Student Body may propose amendments by petition. Such proposed amendments shall be publicized to the college community and shall lie on the table for at least one (1) month before a vote is taken. There shall be at least one public hearing prior to voting to be conducted by the Student Government Association.
★ A proposal from Inside the Student Government Association.
○ The Student Government Association shall have the power to amend any part of the Constitution by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the Executive Board Officers.
★ The Student Government Association shall have the right to redraft the constitution in its entirety so long as the Student Body is given ample opportunity to review the proposed redraft and the redraft shall lie on the table for at least one (1) month. The proposed redraft must have an absolute majority of all the Student Government Association Executive members to pass.
Article XII
Section I (the Pennsylvania Youth Leadership Network/PYLN Committee)
This Article hereby establishes the formation of The Pennsylvania Youth Leadership Network Committee within the Bucks County Community College Student Government Association, that will work in cooperation with other groups across multiple College’s.
★ This Committee shall work alongside the Student Government Association, and shall be a separate entity away from the Executive Board.
★ The officer of this Committee will delegate any responsibilities given to them, to those under them in their Committee.
★ This Committee shall be tasked with the following responsibilities:
○ Look at and determine if events/activities by the Student Government Association are representative of an inclusive leadership model and the entirety of the Student Body of Bucks County Community College.
○ If any event/activity is deemed out of line with those standards then the Committee must provide an insight into how to shape the event/Activity to fit within them.
○ This Committee must collaborate with other groups, like itself, across the state of Pennsylvania while maintaining a constant flow of healthy communication.
○ One of the goals will also to promote leadership development within the Student Body.
★ This position is also subject to Articles IX and X in regards to Constitutional Violations and Removal From Office.