Perkins Grant
The Carl D. Perkins Grant funds programs that aim to increase student retention/completion and job placement for students in all occupational majors and certificate programs. For the 2019-2020 fiscal year, these funds provide a wide variety of programs to encourage student success such as offering a Perkins Goals Coach to help occupational students achieve academic success and a Career Coach to offer services to help with job placement. The Grant funds many beneficial classroom learning tools/resources for occupational students to provide them with a hands-on “industry specific” experience. One notable example is the “SIM Lab” for our Nursing students. The Grant also supports connections for students to jobs by funding transportation and coordinating Career-Connection field trips to local businesses and industry related destinations.
New programs and purchasing ideas are discussed and developed each year. The Director of Perkins Programs reaches out to work with CTE faculty/directors to create these new and effective programs with approval from department Deans. If you should have an idea for a beneficial classroom learning resource or a new program you are encouraged to email