Information for Students
- About the Accessibility Office (TAO)
- Confidentiality
- Differences Between High School and College Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
- Applicable Laws/Legal Overview
- Rights & Responsibilities
Specific Services Available - How to use:
About the Accessibility Office (TAO)
Our Role
The Accessibility Office (TAO) provides support through reasonable accommodations, advocacy, and consultation to address barriers and foster access and inclusion across programs and services.
TAO is committed to providing equal access to individuals with disabilities, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the ADA of 1990 and the ADA amended.
Underlying Values
- Individual ways of being and learner variability
- The social model of disability – that people are often disabled by environment, technology, policy, attitudes and systems
- Intersectionality and its impact on lives, as disability intersects with all marginalized identities
- Accessible, inclusive design – built in from the beginning and beneficial to all
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Bucks County Community College does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, veteran status, union membership, or any other legally protected category.
- Robert Bowers, AT/IT Specialist
- Theresa Currey, Specialized Support
Office Hours
Fall and Spring Semesters
Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM | Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Summer Semesters
Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
TAO staff members are available via Zoom or in person to meet with students or faculty at the lower or upper Bucks campuses. Please schedule an appointment by contacting (215) 968-8182 or
Any information regarding a student's disability remains confidential with the exception of a legitimate educational need to know basis, and with the student’s written permission. Faculty members are not told the specific nature of the student’s disability unless the student discloses to them or provides written permission.
TAO recommends that students meet with faculty as soon as possible to discuss the accommodations listed in the Faculty Memo during office hours or by appointment when accommodations can be discussed in a confidential setting. Students are encouraged to communicate openly with faculty regarding their accommodations and learning needs. All information that a student shares with the faculty member is to be used specifically for arranging reasonable accommodations for the course of study.
The Accessibility Office will retain all disability documentation for five years from the last contact with the office. After seven years, the files will be deleted from the Accessibility Office system. It is the responsibility of the student to retain and maintain all documentation that is related to their disability.
Differences Between High School and College for Students with Disabilities
High School | College |
Class schedules are arranged by school personnel | Students arrange their own schedules |
General education classes dictated by the state and/or district requirements | Classes are based on a field or program of study; requirements may vary |
Class attendance is usually mandatory and monitored carefully | Attendance policies are set by individual instructor and vary |
Textbooks are typically provided at little or no expense | Textbooks can be expensive (an anticipated range for a full-time student is $200.00-$400.00 per semester) |
Instructors and school personnel closely watch out for the students; guiding and correcting them if necessary | Students are expected to take responsibility for what they do and don’t do, as well as for the consequences of their decisions |
High School | College |
I.D.E.A. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) | A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) |
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 | Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 |
I.D.E.A. is about SUCCESS | A.D.A. is about ACCESS |
High School | College |
I.E.P. (Individualized Education Plan and/or 504 Plan |
High School I.E.P. and 504 are not sufficient. Documentation guidelines specify information needed for each category of disability. There are no IEPs or 504 Plans at the college level. |
School provides evaluation at no cost to student | Student must get evaluation at own expense |
Documentation focuses on determining whether student is eligible for services based on specific disability categories in I.D.E.A. | Documentation must provide information on specific functional limitations, and demonstrate the need for specific accommodations |
High School | College |
Student is identified by the school and is supported by parents and teachers | Student must self-identify to the Office of Disability Services |
Primary responsibility for arranging accommodations belongs to the school | Primary responsibility for self-advocacy and arranging accommodations belongs to the student |
Teachers approach you if they believe you need assistance | Professors are usually open and helpful, but most expect you to initiate contact if you need assistance |
High School | College |
Parent has access to student records and can participate in the accommodation process | Parent does not have access to student records without student's written consent |
Parent advocates for student | Student advocates for self |
High School | College |
Teachers may modify curriculum and/or alter pace of assignments | Professors are not required to modify curriculum design or alter assignment deadlines |
You are expected to read short assignments that are then discussed, and often re-taught, in class | You are assigned substantial amounts of reading and writing which may not be directly addressed in class |
You seldom need to read anything more than once, and sometimes listening in class is enough | You need to review class notes and text material regularly |
High School | College |
Grade and check completed homework | Assume homework is completed and students are able to perform on a test |
May remind students of incomplete assignments | May not remind student of incomplete assignments as it the responsibility of the student to check with instructor to see if requirements are being met |
May know students’ needs and approach students when they need assistance | Are usually open and helpful, but expect students to initiate contact when assistance is needed |
May be available before, during or after class | May require students to attend scheduled office hours |
Often provide student with information missed during absence | Expect students to get information from classmates when they miss a class |
Present material to help students understand what is in the textbook | Instructors may not follow the textbook and lectures enhance the topic area |
Often write information on the board or overhead to be copied for notes | The Instructor may lecture nonstop; when the instructor writes on the board that is to enhance the lecture, not summarize it |
Teach knowledge and facts, leading student through the thinking process | Expect students to think independently and connect seemingly unrelated information |
Often take time to remind students of assignment and test dates |
High School | College |
I.E.P. or 504 plan may include modifications to test format and/or grading | Grading and test format changes (i.e. multiple choice vs. essay) are generally not available. Accommodations to HOW tests are given (extended time, test proctors) are available when supported by disability documentation. |
Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material | Testing is usually infrequent and may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material |
Makeup tests are often available | Makeup tests are seldom an option; if they are, you need to request them |
Teachers often take time to remind you of assignments and due dates | Professors expect you to read, save, and consult the course syllabus (outline); the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of you, when it is due, and how you will be graded |
High School | College |
Tutoring and study support may be a service provided as part of an I.E.P. or 504 plan | Tutoring DOES NOT fall under Disability Services. Students with disabilities must seek out tutoring resources as they are available to all students. |
Your time and assignments are structured by others | You manage your own time and complete assignments independently |
You may study outside of class as little as 0 to 2 hours a week, and this may be mostly last-minute test preparation | You need to study at least 2 to 3 hours outside of class for each hour in class |
Differences Between High School and College Accommodations for Students (PDF)
West Chester University. (2016). Differences Between High School and College Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (PDF). In Vice Provost Home. Retrieved October 3, 2016
FERPA Release (Parent/Guardian Proxy)
Bucks Parent/Guardian Proxy provides students with the ability to grant permission to their parents or guardians to view certain pages of information about grades, schedules, or financial information currently available in their Self-Service student account. The student manages the creation of a proxy and the pages of information the parent/guardian can view.
*This release does not pertain to TAO does not pertain to accommodations
To grant permission for a parent/guardian to view certain pages of information in your Self-Service student account:
- Log in to Self-Service
- In the top right corner, click on your student username
- From the drop-down menu select ‘View/Add Proxy Access’
- To add a new parent/guardian go to Select a Proxy and click ‘Add Another User’ from the drop-down menu
- Complete all required fields and click ‘Submit’
Step by step instructions for students.
If a Bucks student has granted you proxy access to his/her student information, you will receive two emails. The emails will be sent
The first email will provide your username and a web link to log in. The second email will provide a temporary password. Please follow these steps:
- Click on the web link found in your email – Proxy Login
- Enter the username and password provided in the emails
- The next page will be th e profile page which includes a tab for each Bucks student who has granted you proxy access to their student information. Click on the student name and the links to the student information will appear.
Step by step instructions for parents.
If you have questions about parent/guardian access and Proxy, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or (215)968-8000 (option #1). After your student has granted you Proxy access, if you have questions about logging in or passwords, please contact the IT Help Desk at or (215)968-8000 (option #8).
If the student has questions about Adaptive or Accessible Technologies (AT) to access the form or the website, please contact TAO by calling (215) 968-8182 or emailing
Durable Power of Attorney
Students are expected to communicate and participate in all conversations with administrative staff at the College. A Durable Power of Attorney allows parents or a designated person to make financial decisions for them. It allows for access to financial decisions, payments and other fiscal responsibilities that the student may need assistance with. Students can provide a copy of a Durable Power of Attorney to TAO but are still expected to be present during all forms of communication with a parent. Parents will be provided with general information and are welcome to attend any meeting or call where a student wishes them to be present. The general Durable Power of Attorney form for Pennsylvania can be found at PA POA FORM.
Medical Power of Attorney
Students may have a Medical Power of Attorney. This document can be submitted to TAO for the disclosure of medical needs, medical emergencies but is not a legal document that provides TAO with the ability to speak with parents openly when the student is not present. Also, students must be part of the registration process with TAO. Parents cannot disclose on behalf of the student without their knowledge or permission. The Medical Durable Power of Attorney form for Pennsylvania can be found at PA MEDICAL POA FORM.
Bucks Cares Teams
Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
Implemented in 2007, the Behavioral Intervention Team responds to incidents of student conduct and concerning behavior that pose a threat to the safety of the student and/or the campus community.
Concerns can include:
- Violation of Student Code of Conduct
- Aggressive physical and verbal behaviors
- Concerning mental health status/extreme outbursts
- Self-injurious or self-destructive behaviors
- Inappropriate communication via email/learning platforms/writing assignments
TAO may release records to BIT if requested in connecti on with a behavioral concern. If there is a legitimate concern that is directly related to a student’s disability, to provide support or consequential determination, TAO can release records upon request.
Academic Intervention Team (AIT)
Implemented in the spring of 2018, the Academic Intervention Team is available to Faculty and Staff to issue alerts for struggling students. The AIT allows faculty and staff to submit a concern they have about a current student’s ability to academically succeed.
- Concerns can include:
- Sudden change in behavior
- Excessive absences/tardiness
- Failure to adapt to the classroom environment
- Lack of basic skills
- Poor test-taking ability
TAO may release records to AIT if requested in connection with an academic concern. If there is a legitimate concern that is directly related to a student’s disability, to provide support or outreach, TAO can release records upon request.
Applicable Laws/Legal Overview
Postsecondary educational institutions are subject to several legal mandates designed to protect students with disabilities from discrimination and ensure they have access to all aspects of university life and programming. The applicable laws that pertain to postsecondary institutions are:
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
An individual with a disability is defined by the ADA as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment. The ADA does not specifically name all of the impairments that are covered (U.S. Department of Justice, 2009).
The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA)
The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) amended the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and other disability discrimination laws at the federal level. The ADAAA was passed in September of 2008 in response to a number of decisions by the Supreme Court that had interpreted the original text of the ADA.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504)
Section 504 states that “no qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall be excluded from, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under” any program or activity that either receives Federal financial assistance or is conducted by any Executive agency or the United States Postal Service (U.S. Department of Justice, 2009).
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 508)
Section 508 establishes requirements for electronic and information technology developed, maintained, procured, or used by the Federal government. Section 508 requires Federal electronic and information technology to be accessible to people with disabilities, including employees and members of the public (U.S. Department of Justice, 2009).
Additional Information
Bucks County Community College recognizes that anyone with a documented physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities qualifies for services as supported by the Accessibility Office.
A “person with a disability” is anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.
In addition to those people who have visible disabilities-persons who are blind, deaf, or use a wheelchair - the definition includes people with a range of invisible disabilities. These include psychological, learning, and other neurological disabilities, as well as chronic health impairments such as epilepsy, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, cardiac conditions, HIV/AIDS, and more. (Documentation of the disability may be required.)
A person is considered to be a person with a disability if they have a disability, have a record of a disability, or are regarded as having a disability.
Otherwise Qualified
As a student with a disability, you are “otherwise qualified” when you meet the same academic requirements and standards as non-disabled students. These requirements and standards must be considered necessary to maintain the integrity of a course, program or college policy. For example, some colleges require students to maintain a GPA of 2.5 to maintain eligibility for a certain program or to remain enrolled as a student. You would also be required to meet this qualification. You are also required to meet an instructor’s expectations for students in regard to class participation, work standards, attendance, and ability to demonstrate acquired knowledge.
Accommodations are NOT retroactive
Accommodations are not retroactive. A student must register with TAO, be approved for accommodations, request accommodations each semester, and present their faculty memo to each instructor to have accommodations put in place for each class. Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to provide each instructor with a copy of the Faculty Memo as soon as possible to have accommodations provided. It is essential that the student email a copy of the Faculty Memo via their email, using their Bucks email account. We also recommend that the student reach out to each instructor to schedule an appointment to discuss accommodations in detail.
How to request accessible alternative texts
The Accessibility Office acquires accessible alternative texts in different ways. Most texts are acquired through the Alternative Media Access Center (AMAC). Here is the process for requesting your textbooks in alternative formats:
- Speak to a TAO staff who can approve that you are eligible for this service.
- Go to the bookstore page link. Search for your courses and section and find your textbook information. Here is the link: Bucks Bookstore
Note: If the bookstore does not have the information on its page yet contact the academic department that offers each of your courses. They will be glad to provide you with the same information. - Be sure to get all of the following information: Title, Author, Edition, ISBN #, Publisher (this is not on the bookstore page; please Google the book for publisher information), and Course Instructor
Note: If the bookstore page link is not current contact the academic department that offers your course(s). - Purchase the hard copy of your texts and attach the Recipt (Proof Of Purchase) to the digital Request Form for Alternative Text Format.
- The text must be purchased by the beginning of the semester and is a requirement of publishers and e-text resources in order to acquire the alternative format.
- Complete the Request-Agreement Alternative Text Format
- Include all books on one form if possible. Remember to enter the 7-Digit Course Number on the form (for example, BIOL115), and enter the 2- or 3-Digit Section Number (for example, E59 or ND). Incomplete forms slow the process.
- If you have any questions about completing the form, please contact
- Read carefully and complete by checking the I Agree Box and review the AMAC Student Participation Agreement.
- You can select the Submit button and a confirmation email will be send to your student Bucks email account.
More resources for users of alternative format books
Learning Ally
Learning Ally also produces textbooks in audio format They describe themselves as having "the world's largest digital library of accessible audio textbooks narrated by real people – not computers". Narrators include professionals in the content field: people who can explain every picture, diagram, and chart. Learning Ally e-books can be used on a wide range of devices, from PCs to portable devices, such as the iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad.
Join for only $135 or $11.25 per month for an annual membership. This includes unlimited access to the full library.
Interpreter Services
Interpreter Services may be provided when a student follows the instructions listed for Requesting Academic Adjustments in a timely fashion.
- Students who need interpreter services are urged to register as early as possible, with the help of Accessibility Office if needed, in order for Accessibility Office to secure the interpreter(s) needed;
- Late requests will be honored as soon as possible and will depend on the availability of staff to respond at that time;
- Note that finding interpreters depends on their availability; schedules are often set over a month in advance;
- Students who use interpreters must follow the Accessibility Office guidelines regarding a student's responsibility in using interpreters. A copy of these guidelines will be provided to every deaf student. If you have not received one, request one immediately.
- Services may be canceled if a student does not follow the guidelines and communicate with the Accessibility Office.
NOTE: Accessibility Office makes an effort to respond to students' requests for specific interpreters but cannot guarantee such requests will be fulfilled. Interpreter availability depends on many factors. We encourage students to discuss this with us.
The Consequences of misuse and abuse of Interpreting Services:
- Interpreter services may be discontinued if a student has excessive absences from class, calls to cancel services frequently, or otherwise misuses the services. Accessibility Office will attempt to meet with such students before deciding to end services.
- The interpreter will be re-assigned to another class if a student is more than 10 minutes late. The interpreter will leave class and may be sent to another assignment. If a student is late, contact Accessibility Office and the Interpreter.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students at Bucks County Community College have the Right to:
- Full and equal access to courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities
- An equal opportunity to learn
- Receive reasonable academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services to ensure equal access related to their specific documented disability
- The confidentiality of all information regarding the student’s documented disability, except as disclosures are required or permitted by law, will not be shared outside of the Accessibility Office at Bucks County Community College
- All information in accessible formats
- File a grievance if accommodations are not provided or approved
Students at Bucks County Community College are Responsible to:
- Meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities where they participate under the requirements set forth by Bucks County Community College
- Willingly self-identify as an individual with a disability when an academic accommodation, auxiliary aids and/or service is needed for participation in courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities at Bucks County Community College
- Willingly, register with the Accessibility Office and work with a TAO staff member to obtain accommodations for participation in courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities at Bucks County Community College
- Seek information and assistance as necessary in a timely manner as a delay in seeking assistance may result in a delay of accommodations being provided
- Provide documentation, from an appropriate medical provider that shows a direct link between the disability and the need for accommodations.
- Inquire about and follow the documented accessibility procedures for obtaining reasonable academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services at Bucks County Community College
- Meet with a Learning Specialist in the Accessibility Office to request or change accommodations
- Submit a Request for Academic Accommodations or other appropriate request forms to the Accessibility Office every semester so that appropriate academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services can be made in a timely manner
- Notify the Accessibility Office if accommodations are not being provided after communicating with the instructor or if there are any specific problems with auxiliary aids and/or service is needed for participation in courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities at Bucks County Community College
Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Faculty have the Right to:
- Be notified by the student who requires reasonable accommodation(s) in a timely manner
- Provide reasonable accommodations without altering the fundamental nature of the course
- Discuss how the reasonable accommodation can be satisfied with the student
- Use the Faculty Liaison as a resource in providing reasonable accommodations for a student
- Use the Assistive Technologist as a resource in providing information on about assistive technology
- Fail a student with a disability who is unable to pass the course requirements, exams, etc., although accommodations have been granted and provided
- Deny a student’s request for accommodations without a Faculty Memo from TAO verifying their registration with the office and need for accommodations
Faculty are Responsible to:
- Provide the student with a disability the accommodation(s) granted by TAO in a timely manner
- Permit the use of assistive technology in the classroom and for test taking if the student is granted assistive technology accommodations
- Maintain the student’s right to confidentiality about their accommodations
- Report concerns or problems associated with the accommodations to TAO in a timely manner
Bucks County Community College Rights and Responsibilities
Bucks County Community College has the Right to:
- Enact standards for courses, programs, services, establish essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge and activities or facilities and to evaluate individuals with disabilities on this basis
- Determine the appropriate standards in developing, constructing, remodeling and maintaining facilities
- Request and receive, through the Accessibility Office, current documentation that confirms documented disability status and supports requests for academic adjustments; auxiliary aids, and/or services requested by any individual student
- Deny a request for academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and/or services if the documentation demonstrates that the request is not warranted, or if the individual fails to provide appropriate documentation
- Select among and provide equally effective academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services
- Refuse unreasonable academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services that impose a fundamental alteration to a program or activity of the college
- Refuse to provide an accommodation, adjustment and/or auxiliary aid or service that is ineffective or unreasonable, including any that:
- Pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others
- Fundamentally alter the courses, programs, services, or activities
- Pose undue financial or administrative burden
Bucks County Community College is Responsible for:
- Providing information to students with disabilities in accessible formats upon request
- Ensuring that courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities, when viewed in their entirety, are available and usable in the most integrated and appropriate settings
- Providing or arranging reasonable academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services for students with documented disabilities in courses
- Responding to requests in a timely manner
- Maintaining appropriate confidentiality of records and communications and disclose only when permitted by law or by appropriate written request