3.14 Vendors on Campus
I. Purpose
To establish guidelines for inviting vendors or organizations on campus.
II. Scope
This policy covers vendors and organizations invited by student organizations.
III. General
Student organizations may invite and sponsor organizations and vendors to solicit on Bucks County Community College campuses with prior permission from the Director, Student Life Office. In some cases, the President’s Cabinet may need to review and approve the request. If the outside company or vendor is soliciting for profit (ticket sales, merchandise sales, etc.), they will agree to relinquish 10% of each day’s profits to the sponsoring student club or organization.
Bucks County Community College prohibits solicitation by any business, organization, or vendor whose intention is to sell products, register, or establish contracts with Bucks County Community College students, faculty, or staff on any Bucks County Community College campus or site, as described below. These include, but are not limited to, credit card companies, cellular phone companies, banks, and other vendors. For-profit vendors whose solicitations are directed at individuals may only operate on campus in support of student organization fundraising events; vendors sponsoring a college event are exempt.
A student organization may not sponsor businesses that:
- solicit the sale of credit cards, cellular phones, banking products, tobacco products or alcohol or;
- promote the use or sale of illegal substances, or any other product that the College deems inappropriate for Bucks County Community College.
IV. Procedures
The sponsoring student club or organization will:
- be responsible for the invited business/organization/vendor providing at least one student organization representative to oversee the business/organization/vendor while on College property.
- complete all necessary paperwork with the Student Life Office.
- explain and enforce all pertinent Bucks County Community College policies and procedures.
V. Approval
President, February 1, 2016
Revised & Approved by the Board of Trustees, March 14, 2024
VI. Responsibility
Associate Vice President, Student Affairs