3.13 Academic Restart Program
I. Purpose
Provide eligible students with an opportunity to redirect their academic goals or renew their college careers.
II. Scope
This program is applicable to eligible students who attended the college in the past and compiled an unsuccessful academic record.
III. General
Academic Record Impact
This one-time-only option permits a student to reset the Bucks County Community College grade point average (GPA). Adjustments are made to D/F grades only on the GPA reset transcript. A-C grades are retained on the GPA reset transcript.
Credits awarded through evaluation are not impacted by the restart and include: Transfer, CLEP, Credit for Life-Learning Experience, credit by exam, military experience, advanced placement and corporate training.
To be eligible for this program the following criteria must be met:
- The student has not been enrolled at Bucks County Community College for a period of three consecutive years. The effective date of the restart is the semester the student returns to the College after the three-year absence.
- The student has never been previously granted the Academic Restart option.
- The restart option cannot be applied to a previously earned degree/certificate.
- Application for Academic Restart can be made within one year of new start enrollment date or by administrative approval.
Credit Load/Earned Success
Within one year of filing the Academic Restart application and the new start, a student must take a minimum of 7 credits, which is to include either COLL101 or COLL105 and two academic courses. A student may take maximum of 13 credits in their first semester of the new start.
A student must earn a minimum of a 2.0 GPA in coursework taken during the first year of the new start to demonstrate eligibility for Academic Restart.
IV. Procedures
Students interested in an Academic Restart should contact the Student Services Counseling department to review all options prior to completing an application.
The following may approve an Academic Restart application: Counselors, Professional Advisors and Academic Success Coordinators.
Approvers will:
- Note in the student record that the student is pursuing an academic restart.
- Hold the restart application until it is demonstrated that the student has earned the requisite
2.0 GPA in the new start year. - Verify on the restart application that all steps are completed before sending to the
Associate Provost. - Transcript changes resulting from the Academic Restart will be made after approval by the
Associate Provost.
V. Approval
President, December 2, 2020; Reviewed December, 2023
VI. Responsibility
Associate Provost