4.36 Recruiting and Selecting Employees
I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for recruiting and selecting employees so the College attracts and hires outstanding candidates from a wide pool of qualified applicants. All qualified applicants and employees are to receive equal opportunity for recruitment and selection. All hiring will comply with relevant College policies and applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
II. Scope
This policy applies to the recruitment and selection processes for all full-time regular college positions.
III. General
It is critical that confidentiality is maintained throughout the entire recruiting and selection process. The essence of good practice is that candidates are assured privacy.
The college is committed to attracting applicant pools that are inclusive. Human Resources (HR) will assist in advertising widely in appropriate sources, screen all applicants, and review lists of candidates selected to be interviewed to ensure the College is advertising widely, attracting qualified applicants, and complying with non-discrimination laws and regulations.
Federal Documentation Requirements
Federal law requires employers to maintain and summarize applicant attributes such as race, gender, and ethnic information for each search and selection process. This information is retained by the Human Resources department and is utilized for tracking purposes only. This information is confidential and should not be used in any way during the selection process for filling a position.
Federal law requires applicant records to be maintained for at least two years from the date of the making of the record or the personnel action involved, whichever is later. It is the responsibility of the Human Resources department to maintain search and selection documentation for this period.
IV. Procedures
Position and Hiring Request
- A desired position is discussed with a hiring manager’s supervisor
- If approved by supervisor, the hiring manager meets with Human Resources to draft or review and revise the job description, compensation, and grade as necessary.
- The hiring manger then completes and submits a hiring justification form
- If approved, the hiring manager submits a job requisition through Workday
- Once approved through Workday, HR will work with the hiring manager to post, advertise, and fill the position
Human Resources will work with the Hiring Manager to determine appropriate places for posting. For tenure track faculty and higher-ed career-specific positions, sources that reach a national audience will also be used. Additionally, discipline or industry-specific job boards, such as those offered by professional associations, may be used for appropriate positions. The administration shall develop advertising and recruiting expense guidelines that are consistent with the policy's scope and the prudent expenditure of public funds.
- resume or c.v.
- letter of application
- list of 5 professional references
Applicants will be screened by Human Resources and the Hiring Manager to determine those who meet the qualifications listed in the job description. Depending on the position, the hiring manager will either invite individuals to interview or conduct a second screening and select a small group of candidates eligible for an on-campus interview.
On-Campus Interviews
The hiring manager will design an on-campus interview experience that allows for candidates to meet with a variety of individuals appropriate to inform his or her selection. Candidates should meet with people who can provide insights to both the hiring manager and the candidates. For the hiring manager, it is important to hear from a diverse group of employees with knowledge of the work the candidate would do. For the candidates, it is important for them to meet people who are knowledgeable about the work and the culture of Bucks. As part of forming teams and developing interview schedules, hiring managers will discuss members of interview teams and search committees and their proposed interview schedules with human resources to ensure compliance and best practices are followed. Such groups might include the following:
- The hiring manager
- An interview team or search committee as appropriate.
- Interview teams will be charged by the hiring manager, search committees by the provost or president
- Human Resources will conduct appropriate training regarding the following:
- questions that are appropriate/inappropriate to ask
- how to conduct an interview that is a welcoming and engaging professional conversation
- ensuring compliance with federal regulations
- Any additional personnel deemed appropriate by the hiring manager, supervisor, c-suite officer, or president. This might include peers within the unit, supervisees of the position, college leaders such as deans or cabinet members, and so forth.
- For full-time teaching positions, a teaching demonstration and a meeting with students must be included unless the College is not in session.
- A campus tour
- A meal if the interview is to take more than half of a day
The hiring manager will solicit and review feedback from those who met with the candidate. The hiring manager will discuss the candidates and the feedback with his or her supervisor and decide whether to proceed with any of the candidates.
Reference Checks
The hiring manager will contact the desired candidate to ascertain his or her interest in continuing with the search. If affirmative, the hiring manager will then speak with the candidate’s references. A general guideline is to request three to five references, preferably from past and present employers. Reference checking confirms that a candidate has achieved what is indicated on the resume or discussed at the interview.
The hiring manager will work with Human Resources to inform the candidate that they want to offer the job to the candidate. Depending on the position, either the hiring manager or Human Resources will negotiate with the candidate to determine salary and starting date. Once negotiations are completed, Human Resources will present an official offer in writing to the candidate.
Once a candidate has accepted an offer in writing, Human Resources will work with the candidate to get them onboarded. The hiring manager will work with the appropriate people on campus to ensure the employee will be able to begin work on their first day. Such preparations might include the following:
- Selection, cleaning, and set-up of an office or appropriate workspace – to include a name plate if appropriate.
- Securing necessary equipment, such as a computer or other tools
- Establishing an email address and a phone number, as appropriate
- Planning for the employee’s first days on the job, to include scheduling meetings, introductions, orientations, and so forth.
V. Approval
President – December 17, 2020; Revised – January 3, 2025
VI. Responsibility
Chief Human Resources Officer