4.37 Outside Employment
I. Purpose
The college recognizes that some employees may want to hold outside positions in addition to their primary employment with the college. Employees are encouraged to carefully consider the demands that additional employment will create before engaging in such activity. The purpose of this policy is to define the parameters for performing such outside work and to ensure that the interests of the college are satisfied.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all college employees with the exception of faculty for whom guidelines are established in the Faculty Federation contract.
III. General
For purposes of this policy “outside employment” refers to any paid second position held in addition to the employee’s primary college position and includes self-employment, consulting activities and teaching at the college. The college establishes certain restrictions on outside employment based on reasonable business concerns.
Outside employment shall not:
- Interfere with the employee’s ability to satisfactorily perform their normal duties and work requirements within their regularly scheduled hours. Employees may not solicit or conduct outside business during work time at the college.
- Be considered as justification for requests to change regularly scheduled work hours. Teaching at the college during a regularly scheduled shift is permissible only when a compelling institutional need exists and only with prior approval of the appropriate cabinet level administrator.
- Be considered an excuse for poor job performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel, or refusal to work regularly scheduled hours or different work hours if such flexibility is identified in the position description.
- Utilize any college equipment or resources including computer or email, or unauthorized use of college confidential information.
- Employ any promotional methods which indicate that the employee is acting as a representative of the college.
- Constitute an actual or perceived conflict of interest with the college. Conflict of interest may be present when:
- working for an organization that does a significant amount of business with the college such as major contractors, suppliers and customers.
- working for an organization in a role where there is potential for either the interest of the college to be compromised or for confidential college information to be shared.
- engaging in activities which may adversely impact the image of the college in the community.
IV. Procedures
It is the responsibility of the employee engaged in outside employment to comply with this policy. It is recommended that the employee inform his supervisor of outside employment.
If outside work commitments cause or contribute to job performance problems at the college, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
V. Approval
President – December 1, 2015
VI. Responsibility
Vice President, Administrative Affairs & CFO