4.29 Corrective Action Process
It is the intent of Bucks County Community College to hire and retain a highly-qualified workforce. Employees who are not meeting performance and/or professional conduct standards will, in most circumstances, be given an opportunity to correct issues and restore their performance to the required acceptable level.
The structured corrective action process defined under this policy will be utilized for all Classified and Administrative employees, (excluding management contract employees). This policy excludes employees whose union contracts define a corrective action/disciplinary procedure - Faculty, Physical Plant and Security.
Where serious violations of College policy occur, action will be taken in accordance with that policy, irrespective of existing union contracts and/or this process.
The College reserves the right to determine appropriate corrective action steps depending on the facts of each situation and the nature (or severity) of the offense. Corrective actions may also vary. Some factors that may be considered are whether the offense is a reoccurrence, even after coaching, counseling and/or training, the employee’s overall work record, whether or not a College Policy was violated, and the impact that the performance issue and/or conduct has on the College.