1.20 Federal Debarment
I. Purpose
This policy establishes a process to ensure compliance with federal guidelines regarding contractor eligibility.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all vendors or contractors receiving or using federal funds in excess of $25,000.
III. General
Bucks County Community College follows Federal Executive Order (E.O.) 12549 “Debarment and Suspension” which requires that all contractors receiving individual awards, using federal funds for $25,000 or more, and all sub recipients, certify that the organization and its principals are not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department or agency from doing business with the Federal Government. Transactions on funds 142 through 152 (most notably 144) must be cleared of Federal Debarment before an award is made. No award is to be made before debarment status has been reviewed and approved.
IV. Procedures
Each vendor or service provider will furnish a statement that their company, and its principals have not been debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, are not in the process of being debarred, or are voluntarily excluded from conducting business with a federal department or agency of the federal government. This certification can take the form of a signed letter, or a signature block within a procurement document or ASSA.
V. Approval
Board of Trustees, October 9, 2014
VI. Responsibility
Vice President Administrative Affairs & CFO