2.10 Grade Changes
I. Purpose
Establish guidelines for grade changes.
II. Scope
Applicable to all grades assigned by faculty for credit course work.
III. General
No grades will be changed without the consent of the faculty member. A request for a change of grade must be submitted on an official grade change form, which can be obtained on the Bucks website or from the Office of Admissions and Records, and completed according to the procedures established by College Policy.
IV. Procedures
All grade changes must be communicated to the Office of Admissions and Records. The grade change can be:
- completed by the faculty member in the Office of Admissions and Records,
- completed by the faculty member in the Department Office and communicated to the Office of Admissions and Records by the Assistant Academic Dean or the department administrative assistant.
In either case, the grade change must be made via the appropriate form. No grade changes will be accepted through the mail.
V. Approval
President, August 3, 2015
VI. Responsibility