Camp Information
General Information
- All camps have limited enrollment. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Please use your child's information, such as name and date of birth, when registering online.
- Prior to registering for a camp, please read the camp description carefully so you are aware of the camp requirements.
- Please let us know at the time of registration if your child has any special accommodations or modifications that we need to be aware of.
- The College does not provide insurance for possible injury during the sessions. Participants should be prepared to show that adequate coverage has been obtained from other sources.
- Kids on Campus Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- The Registration Office will be closed on Fridays throughout the summer.
- If you have any additional questions, please contact
- If an emergency occurs, and you need to notify your child, please call the Office of Continuing Education at 215-968-8409 or 215-968-8016. We will contact your child.
- We discourage the use of cell phones during our camp day as it is disruptive to the camp program.
Camp Confirmations
If you have not received any camp confirmations in the mail, including a Welcome Letter and Emergency Card, please contact us at 215-968-8409 and we will be able to provide you these forms.
We have also posted the Camp Welcome Letter and Emergency Card below.
Welcome Letter
Camp Emergency Information Card
Please fill out the 2025 Camp Emergency Information Card for each camper that is attending.
It is imperative that Kids on Campus receives the emergency card information for our nursing staff. For your child's safety and protection, this information must be returned at least two weeks prior to the start date of your child's camp. Campers will not be admitted to camp without a completed Camp Emergency Information Card.
We will need this information to contact you in case your child experiences an accident or illness. You can also email the emergency card information to
The security, confidentiality and privacy of your camper’s personal health information will always be protected. Only Kids on Campus’s administrative and health staff will have access to camper health information.
Emergency Information Card
Permission to Administer Medication Form
Please complete and return the permission form to the Kids on Campus nurses on the first day of your camp.
Permission to Administer Medication
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
Please complete and return the permission form to the Kids on Campus nurses on the first day of your camp. This Care Plan requires a physician's signature.
Emergency Care Plan
Aftercare Program
We offer an aftercare program for campers at the Newtown Campus from 3:30 to 5:30 pm.
Cost: $250 per week
Time: 3:30-5:30 pm.
Parents/Guardians must register their camper for aftercare the Monday before their camp begins. Campers who are enrolled in the program will be taken to aftercare at the end of the regular camp day. The program is held in the Solarium Room in the Rollins Center. Parents/Guardians must show photo I.D. when picking up their camper.
Parents/Guardians must talk with the program leader for any issues and/or concerns that occurred during aftercare hours.
Program Refund Policy
- There is a $35 non-refundable fee for any cancellation. Refunds will be made ONLY when you notify the Continuing Education Office AT LEAST SEVEN (7) DAYS before the first day of the program. Certain exclusions apply.
- If you have paid by check, your refund will arrive in three weeks. Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card payments will be credited to your account.
- If you need to cancel a camp for any reason, please cancel a camp by calling the Registration Office at 215-968-8409.
*IMPORTANT: The credit card processing fee is now being passed along to payees. For this reason, credit card payments will need to be completed by the payer directly and will not be cashiered by Bucks employees. The Service Fee is a % fee based on the transaction amount and is paid to the credit card company – Bucks does not retain this amount. The Service Charge amount will be provided to the payer so that the payer is aware of additional amount to be added to the transaction. The credit card service fee will not be included in any refunds since this amount goes directly to the credit card company.
Camp Cancellation Information
Please make sure you register early to help avoid camp cancellations.
The week before a camp is scheduled to run, we look at the enrollment numbers and will make a final decision if a camp has enough registrations to run. If we need to cancel a camp due to low enrollment, our Registration Office will notify you. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
If we need to cancel a camp for any reason, we will make every attempt to place your camper in another camp. Otherwise, we will give you a full refund for the camp that we cancelled.
If you decide to move your camper to another camp and that camp has a higher price point than the camp we cancelled, you will need to pay the difference. This is due to the camp supplies fees that are included in the price of the camp.
If you decide to move your camper to another camp and that camp has a lower price point than the camp we cancelled, we will refund you the difference.
If you have any questions, please call our Registration Office at 215-968-8409.
Kids on Campus Forms
Early Dismissal Form
- If you need to pick-up your child early from camp, please fill out the Kids on Campus Early Dismissal Form. You must hand this form in at morning check-in to the Camp Instructor. (This form may be duplicated as needed.)
Alternate Guardian Pick-Up Permission Form
- If you are unable to pick-up your camper, and need an alternate guardian/person to pick-up your camper, please fill out the Alternate Guardian Pick Up Permission Form. You must hand this form in at morning check-in to the Camp Instructor. (This form may be duplicated as needed.)
Kids on Campus Behavior Choice Contract
- Please complete and return the Behavior Choice Contract. You must hand this form in before the first day of camp. (This form may be duplicated as needed.)
Model Release Form
- Please complete and return the Model Release Form. You must hand this form in before the first day of camp. (This form may be duplicated as needed.)
Sign Up for Camp Emergency Text Alerts
Bucks County Community College sends emergency text alerts to notify the College community if there are unexpected closings due to weather, power outages, or an unsafe situation on campus.
To sign up for the free service, text BUCKSCAMP to 79516.
If you have already signed up by texting Bucks, please text BUCKSCAMP to 79516 to be transferred to the Kids on Campus specific text alerts.
Camp Medical Information
Medical Information
- Prior to attending camp, an emergency card will be sent in the Camp Welcome Packet. Please fill out the emergency card and return it to Kids on Campus. The emergency card information is for our nursing staff.
- If you did not receive a Camp Emergency Card, please contact the Registration Office at 215-968-8409 and they will be able to send you the form.
- No emergency medication will be accepted and administered without a Care Plan from a physician.
- The Action Care Plan, Medication, and Permission to Administer Medication form must be handed to the Nurses on Monday morning.
- The College does not provide insurance for possible injury during the sessions. Participants should be prepared to show that adequate coverage has been obtained from other sources.
- If a camper is sick the morning of or the night before camp, especially with a fever, please keep camper home to recover for at least 24 hours.
- If a camper is sick during the day, it is the nurse’s responsibility, not the camper’s, to contact the parent/guardian of the camper to pick the camper up.
- Kids on Campus staff reserve the right to decline entry for any camper who looks and/or sounds unwell.
- All injuries, illness, or emotional related incidents are to be referred to the nurse first. The nurse will assess the situation and, if necessary, contact additional resources for assistance.
- The nurse will determine if:
- Camper’s parent/guardian is to be called
- Camper is okay to return to the group but will be observed by the camp instructor and if the camper is still complaining will be taken back to the nurse
- If a camper is deemed not fit to return to camp for any reason, the parents/guardians must pick camper up and take camper home.
- Your child may NOT carry medication at camp without a specific doctor’s order to do so (ex. Inhalers, insulin, epinephrine, etc.) The nurses must see the note and medication. Otherwise the nurse will hold all medications.
- Every Monday, please see the nurses at the tent with all medication and documentation.
- You must have the prescription label on the medication and action plan. Also, please check expiration dates.
- Every Friday, you must see the nurses to pick up your child’s medication.
Camper Drop-Off & Pick-Up Directions
Important: All traffic must enter through the East Gate entrance. The entrance is at a traffic light, and is closest to Newtown.
- Parents/Guardians, along with their camper(s), must know which camp you're registered for each week to make the drop-off and pick-up a smooth process. Please factor in extra wait time in the mornings and afternoons for drop-off and pick-up of campers.
- All Camps are located at the Newtown Campus, unless otherwise stated.
- From the Newtown Bypass, drive past the main entrance of Tyler State Park onto Swamp Road to a traffic light. Make a left at this traffic light to enter the college campus at the EAST GATE. After turning left, continue straight ahead to lower Parking Lot ‘S4’ (Student Parking Lot 4) and turn right into the parking lot. Please park your vehicle and escort your child to the Tent Check-in/out area.
- Parents/Guardians are to drop-off and pick-up their campers at the Newtown Campus’s Student Parking Lot 4 each day.
Drop-Off (8:30-9 am):
- From the Newtown Bypass, drive past Tyler State Park Entrance onto Swamp Road to a traffic light. Make a left at this traffic light to enter the college campus at the EAST GATE. After turning left, continue straight ahead to lower Parking Lot ‘S4’ and turn right into the parking lot. Please park your vehicle and escort your child to the Tent Check-in/out area where there will be a sign of the camp and the camp’s instructor waiting to check campers in. There will be another tent with tables underneath where the nurses and Kids on Campus Office Staff will be located to answer any questions. At this tent, parents/guardians will have the ability at check in to give the nurse any medication the camper needs to take during the day and during pick up on Fridays will pick up their camper’s medication. The Camp Instructor will be waiting for their campers and will watch their campers. Once all of the campers arrive, the instructor will walk their campers to the assigned classroom for the day.
- For the safety of all campers and for an accurate attendance, campers must only be dropped off at the Tent Check-in/out Area each day. Please do not go to the classrooms to drop off your camper. If the camper is late or arriving late due to an appointment, please see the Late Drop Off section for instructions.
Pick-Up (3:30 pm):
- Enter the College campus at the EAST GATE. After turning into campus gate, continue straight ahead to lower parking lot “S4”; turn right and follow the signs along the marked barricade. Please park your vehicle and go to the Tent Check-in/out area to check out your camper with the camp instructor where you dropped-off your camper in the morning.Instructors will be waiting with their campers under their camp sign in the Pavilion and Tent waiting area ready to check-out the camper with the parent/guardian who arrives for pick-up.
- Campers must only be picked-up at the Tent Check-in/out Area each day. If the camper is leaving early due to an appointment, is sick, and/or needs to be picked-up early, please see the Early Pick-Up section for instructions.
Where to go if a camper is late for camp
IMPORTANT: ALL TRAFFIC MUST ENTER BY THE EAST GATE (This is the entrance with the traffic light, closest to Newtown)
- From the Newtown Bypass, drive past Tyler State Park Entrance onto Swamp Road to a traffic light. Make a left at this traffic light to enter the college campus at the EAST GATE. After turning left, there will be a fork in the road. Turn right and continue straight ahead to a stop sign with stone buildings on your left. After the stop sign, turn left into the parking lot. Kids on Campus is located in Cottage 3, which has a Continuing Education sign in front of the building. The Kids on Campus Office is located upstairs in Cottage 3.
- Please note that all camps begin promptly at 9:00 am and campers will depart from the Pavilion at that time. Parents/guardians who drop off their campers after the morning camper drop off will need to go to Cottage 3. A Kids on Campus Staff member will be able to escort the camper to camp from Cottage 3.
Early Pick up of Camper information
Early Pick-Up
- If you need to pick-up your child early from camp, please fill out the Kids on Campus Early Dismissal Form. You must hand this form in at morning check-in to the Camp Instructor. (This form may be duplicated as needed.)
- If you need to pick up your camper early for any reason, your camper will be escorted by a Camp Assistant to Cottage 3. If the early dismissal was planned, your camper will be escorted close to the scheduled time of early dismissal. Your camper will wait in the upstairs Kids on Campus Office area until you arrive. Please come to Cottage 3 to Sign Out your camper with identification.
Directions to Cottage 3
IMPORTANT: ALL TRAFFIC MUST ENTER BY THE EAST GATE (This is the entrance with the traffic light, closest to Newtown)
- From the Newtown Bypass, drive past Tyler State Park Entrance onto Swamp Road to a traffic light. Make a left at this traffic light to enter the college campus at the EAST GATE. After turning left, there will be a fork in the road. Turn right and continue straight ahead to a stop sign with stone buildings on your left. After the stop sign, turn left into the parking lot. Kids on Campus is located in Cottage 3, which has a Continuing Education sign in front of the building. The Kids on Campus Office is located upstairs in Cottage 3.
Camp Lunch
- All Campers are required to bring their own packed lunch each day to camp.
- If a camper forgets his/her lunch, then we will call the parent/guardian who must bring a packed lunch for the camper. We are unable to provide a lunch to campers who forgot to bring their lunch and it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility that the camper has a lunch each day for camp.
- In your camper’s lunch, please make sure to pack extra water, snacks, and utensils.
Rainy/Inclement Weather
- If rain is expected on any camp day, please be sure your child has a raincoat and/or umbrella since he/she will be walking to and from Lot "S4." The Pavilion will provide shelter during inclement weather while all children are arriving for camps or waiting for pick-up. Please be patient; this can take a little longer than usual.
- Outdoor activities will be held indoors during inclement weather.
Hot Summer Days
- Outdoor camps will do their best to stay cool during the day.
- Due to the nature of some outdoor camps, they will be outside all day, but will stay in the shade and encourage campers to drink and refill their water bottles throughout the day.
- Other outside camps will be going outside during the morning but will be back in the classroom during the afternoon heat.
- In general, our camps will have outside recess and/or conduct outside activities during the summer, unless there is stormy weather where they will need to stay inside to conduct their activities.
- We highly recommend campers bring with them extra water, hat, and sunscreen that they can self-apply to all camps during the hot summer weeks.
Teens on Campus
Teens on Campus
- Teen Experience Programs for ages 15-17 may have different drop-off and pick-up times and locations than Kids on Campus and Teens on Campus (Ages 13-15) Camps.
- Teens on Campus drop-off and pick-up will be in the same location as the Kids on Campus camps, unless the program is located at a different Bucks County Community College Campus.
- Teens on Campus follows the same policies and procedures as Kids on Campus.