Bucks County’s Educational Partner of Choice
Bucks County Community College provides a diverse community of learners with exemplary, accessible educational opportunities and the personal connections that foster success.
We envision Bucks County Community College as a vibrant center for community engagement and learning, providing innovative paths that inspire educational, career, and personal fulfillment.
FY 2026–2028 Goals
Goal 1. Bucks will help students meet their academic and career goals.
- Enhance services to more effectively and efficiently meet academic- and alternative-credit students’ needs for programmatic and career guidance and job placement
- Build and strengthen supports for student groups with low retention and/or low academic success rates
- Refine methodology for identifying optimal course and program locations, modalities, and schedules to facilitate student access and enrollment
- Strengthen communication with students and increase faculty and staff knowledge about college resources and processes
Goal 2. Bucks will prioritize initiatives to foster student success and the well-being of all members of the college community.
- Enhance communication and opportunities for engagement within the college community
- Expand programming for the college community to enhance cultural awareness and build skills needed to contribute to a pluralist democratic society and thrive in an increasingly connected world
- Strengthen supports for students based on student outcome data
- Implement professional development for team leaders to enhance their ability to create positive team environments
Goal 3. Bucks will offer programs that are responsive to emerging student, community, and employer educational needs.
- Increase efficiency of review processes for new and revised programs and courses to enable the college to more readily implement learning opportunities that are responsive to student, community, and employer needs
- Formalize and increase coordinated engagement with employers and community organizations
- Increase program offerings that lead to in-demand jobs with family-sustaining wages and that are attractive to students
- Strengthen communication with the community about new and prioritized programs
Goal 4. Bucks will achieve sustainable financial health.
- Expand existing revenue streams while also actively pursuing new revenue opportunities.
- Identify and pursue operational efficiencies and cost savings
- Increase academic-credit enrollment among post-traditionally aged students
- Expand funding advocacy efforts
Download the FY 2026–2028 Strategic Plan
Bucks 2035 Strategic Aspirations
By the end of FY 2035, Bucks County Community College will have:
- Stabilized credit enrollment at a sustainable level
- Expanded revenue through exemplary alternative educational offerings
- Modified programs and services to facilitate greater success for all students
- Expanded programming and partnerships to meet labor market, community, and student needs
- Balanced institutional resources and organizational structure to ensure appropriate and sustained capacity to fulfill the college’s mission
All achieved through the efforts of:
- Well-qualified, engaged, and fulfilled employees
- Empathetic, effective leadership