Faculty Resources
The President's Advisory Group on Race Ethnicity Diversity & Inclusion
REDI is an advisory and leadership team responsible for developing, overseeing, and monitoring Campus-wide efforts to achieve the college's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and ethnicity as a core institutional and educational value.
Professional Development Training
Recommended for all faculty. Topics covered include: Overview of elections at the national, state, and local levels. Responsibilities of local, state, and election offices. How to find where to vote in your city. Review of political parties, primary elections, and general elections. Engaging in opposing public discourse and the First Amendment. Kevin Antoine has been a candidate for elective office twice, the U.S. Congress, and the New Jersey State Senate. In his 1996 US Congressional Campaign, he was the first candidate of color to win the Democratic Nomination in Mississippi's majority white 4th Congressional District. In his 2017 New Jersey State Senate Campaign he was seeking to be the first Independent elected to the New Jersey State Senate.