Information Technology Studies
Associate of Applied Science
Occupational Major
This major is primarily designed for job preparedness. Students who are considering transferring to a four-year college should be aware that decisions on transferability of courses are made by the four-year colleges and differ from school to school. Students should contact the Transfer Services Office early in their academic program to determine which courses will transfer to the college of their choice.
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Department
Founders 110 • Phone (215) 968-8305
Curriculum Code No. 2164
This major is for students whose educational and occupational goals are not met by the Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Department's other occupational and transfer majors. It allows students to build a sequence of computer-related courses to satisfy specific skills needed for employment. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded the Associate of Applied Science degree.
This program is not for students planning to transfer. While the major is designed for students beginning their collegiate work, students with fewer than sixty credits of collegiate work may enter the major after receiving permission from both an academic advisor from the Computer Science area and the Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Academic Dean.
Positions that might be available, depending on courses chosen, are those that often combine the skills of two or more computer-related areas, such as:
- programmer/web developer
- web master/developer
- network administrator/developer
Based on the choice of courses, graduates of this program are able to
- interpret, analyze, and solve problems using a computer;
- adapt to changing technology; and
- work effectively as a team member to plan and implement solutions to computer related problems.
Degree Course Requirements*
Course | Credits |
COLL101 Orientation to College | 1 |
COMM110 Effective Speaking G,4,5 | 3 |
MGMT100 Introduction to Business 3,4,8 | 3 |
CISC110 Intro to Information Systems G,9 | 3 |
Computing ElectivesF,9 | 34 |
Elective H | 3 |
College Level WritingA,B,2,10 | 6 |
Arts/HumanitiesC,1 | 3 |
Scientific Literacy E,7 | 3-4 |
College Level Mathematics ElectivesA,D,6 | 3-4 |
Total Credit Hours | 62-64 |
Recommended Semester Sequence
The recommended course sequence is designed for full-time students who average 15 credit hours per semester. Students may need more time to complete major requirements based on placement testing. The additional time will entail some adjustments to the sequence recommended.
First Semester
Course | Credits |
COLL101 Orientation to College | 1 |
MGMT100 Introduction to Business3,4,8 | 3 |
College Level Writing A,B,2,10 | 3 |
Computing ElectivesF,9 | 8 |
CISC110 Intro to Information Systems G,9 | 3 |
Total Credit Hours | 18 |
Second Semester
Course | Credits |
College Level Writing A,B,2,10 | 3 |
Arts/HumanitiesC,1 | 3 |
Computing ElectivesF,9 | 6 |
Elective H | 3 |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Third Semester
Course | Credits |
College Level Mathematics Elective A,D,6 | 3-4 |
Computing ElectivesF,9 | 12 |
Total Credit Hours | 15-16 |
Fourth Semester
Course | Credits |
Computing ElectivesF,9 | 8 |
Scientific Literacy | 3-4 |
COMM110 Effective Speaking G,4,5 | 3 |
Total Credit Hours | 14-15 |
A Placement testing required.
B Select any two of the following (with proper prerequisites):
MGMT135, COMP110, COMP111, COMP114.
C Consult the list of courses approved for this category.
Any course may be chosen.
DConsult an advisor. At least one course must be chosen from the following: CISC127, MATH115, MATH117, MATH120, MATH122, MATH125, or MATH140.
E Consult an advisor. At least one course must be chosen from the approved list of courses. CISC143 is recommended.
FComputing Electives are courses that contribute directly to the fulfillment of the student’s occupational and employment goals. Acceptable courses include, but are not limited to the following: any course with a CIS* prefix (except CISC100), SCIE206, and ENGR112. Computer-based courses in the Arts department and Business and Innovation department may be accepted with approval of the academic advisor and the Dean: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Department. A portfolio is required to fulfill graduation requirements. No more than twenty credits of the Computing electives may be gained by transfer, PLA, credit by examination, LLEAP, or other sources. Credits from these sources above twenty may be applied to program requirements other than Computing electives.
G Course requires prerequisite.
H Pre-college level courses do not meet this requirement.
1 Satisfies Arts/Humanities.
2 Satisfies Critical Thinking.
3 Satisfies Diversity.
4 Satisfies Information Literacy.
5 Satisfies Oral Communication.
6 Satisfies Quantitative Literacy.
7 Satisfies Scientific Literacy.
8 Satisfies Social Sciences.
9 Satisfies Technological Competence.
10 Satisfies Writing.