Sports Management
Introduction to Sport Management
This course is an analysis of effective management strategies and the body of knowledge associated with pursuing a career in sport management. The course introduces the student to sport management career opportunities and to sport principles as they apply to management, leadership style, communication, motivation and entrepreneurship.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Sport Marketing
This course is an analysis of effective management strategies and the body of knowledge associated with pursuing a career in sport management. The course will introduce students to the sport management career opportunities in the sport industry and sport principles as they apply to management, marketing, leadership style, communication, and motivation.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Facility Management and Event Planning
This course analyzes effective management strategies and knowledge associated with pursuing a career in sport management. It will introduce students to the sport management career opportunities in the sport industry and to sport principles as they apply to facility management and event planning, leadership style, communication, and motivation.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
History and Philosophy of Sport Management
This course is a survey of the philosophy and historical development of sport. The course will examine the major philosophical and historical schools of thought in sport and trace the development of competitive sport from ancient civilizations to the present.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Sport and Society
This course explores the sociological aspects of sport. Students study research and theory used to explain the relationship between sport and society in the areas of socialization, children, deviance, violence, gender, race, social class, economy, media, politics, religion and future trends in sports.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Sport Management Internship
The student is required to perform 180 hours of internship at an affiliated training site. An attempt is made to match sites to the intern's professional interests and career goals. Periodic meetings between the College Coordinator and the student are held to review actual experience and observation.
3 credits
Prerequisite: Permission of the Assistant Academic Dean of the HPEN Department. Must have completed all sport management Core courses with a 2.5 GPA in those courses.
Corequisite: None