Introduction to Professional Nursing
This course introduces the BCCC Associate Degree Nursing curricular concepts with the three domains of health-illness-wellness professional nursing practice and the health care environment. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to each concept and their application to nursing roles in professional nursing practice.
3 credits
Prerequisite: MATH095 (C or better) or Math Placement Test Score of 5 or higher.
Foundations of Nursing Practice
This course explores the concepts within health-illness-wellness, professional nursing practice, and the healthcare environment. It also integrates principles necessary to perform basic nursing skills in the adult patient and to demonstrate competence, caring, and advocacy nursing interventions. Knowledge, judgement, skills, and professional values in a legal/ethical framework are emphasized.
4 credits
Prerequisite: ADRN110, COMP110, BIOL181, HLTH120N
Adult and Family Nursing I
This course explores concepts and principles of evidence-based nursing care within health-illness- wellness, professional nursing practice, and healthcare environments to facilitate and provide safe, quality nursing interventions to adults and childbearing families. Knowledge, skills, and values integration is emphasized in the implementation of competent patient centered care within a legal/ethical framework.
5 credits
Prerequisite: ADRN111 (C or better), Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIOL182, BIOL228
Corequisite: ADRN113
Health Assessment in Nursing
This course examines the concepts within health-wellness domains, professional nursing practice, and the healthcare environment as they relate to the comprehensive assessment of patients. The essential elements of health assessment relevant to the Associate Degree Graduate Nurse are provided to facilitate the implementation of safe, patient-centered, quality nursing care.
3 credits
Prerequisite: ADRN111 (C or better), Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIOL182, BIOL228
Corequisite: ADRN112
Pharmacology in Nursing
This course explores principles and concepts of pharmacological interventions and their nursing implications. Using the nursing process, the therapeutic effects, side effects, and adverse reactions that may occur because of these therapies will be explored. Patient education concepts will be emphasized in the planning and implementation of care.
3 credits
Prerequisite: ADRN112 (C or better), ADRN113 (C or better)
Adult and Family Nursing II
This course examine knowledge, skills, attitudes, and acquired competencies necessary to care for adults and families. Concepts and clinical decision-making strategies are explored, providing evidence-based care to adults and child-bearing families utilizing the nursing process and clinical judgement. Simulation and clinical experiences increasing health/illness complexity reflect diverse patient populations.
7 credits
Prerequisite: ADRN112 (C or better), ADRN113 (C or better)
Corequisite: Prerequisites or Corequisites: ADRN 114, COMP111, PSYC110
Adult and Family Nursing III
This course examines concepts that exemplify acute and critical health and illness issues. Complex theoretical concepts and clinical reasoning strategies are explored to provide evidence-based nursing care encompassing physiological and psychosocial processes. Simulation and clinical experiences foster clinical judgement when caring for diverse populations across the lifespan.
8 credits
Prerequisite: ADRN210 (C or better)
Prerequisite or Corequisite: SOCI110
Corequisite: ADRN212
Transition into Nursing Practice
This course facilitates successful application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes as the transition to the role of graduate nurse commences. Current political, legal, and ethical nursing concerns are explored. Concepts of the nursing profession, evidence-based healthcare, and the importance of interprofessional processes are synthesized, utilizing and refining clinical nursing judgement.
4 credits
Prerequisite: ADRN210 (C or better)
Prerequisite or Corequisite: SOCI110
Corequisite: ADRN211
Nursing I
In Nursing I, students learn the cognitive, psychomotor, and communication skills associated with nursing that recognizes the needs of culturally diverse individuals in a healthy state. The nursing process is introduced. Students use current technology to analyze and integrate data.
6 credits
Prerequisite: Must meet Admission criteria. CHEM101 and BIOL181 and COMP110 or
Corequisite: CHEM101 and BIOL181 and COMP110
Nursing II
In Nursing II, students learn the nursing care of various age individuals who have alterations in their needs. Providing care to individuals with potentially ineffective responses is emphasized, and ineffective responses are introduced. Students use current technology to analyze and integrate data.
6 credits
Prerequisite: NURS101 (C or better) or Permission of the Department of Health Sciences and BIOL182 and BIOL228, and HLTH120N or
Corequisite: BIOL182 and BIOL228 and HLTH120N
Drug Calculations and their Implications
This course is designed for nursing students and for nurses returning to practice. Drug calculations, intravenous solutions, and their implications will be covered.
1 credits
Prerequisite: Nursing major or RN or LPN license. Math Placement Test score of 3 or higher.
Corequisite: None
Pharmacology in Nursing
This course discusses commonly used medications and their nursing implications. Related issues in gerontology, pediatrics, ethical concerns, and legal implications are integrated throughout the course.
3 credits
Prerequisite: NURS101 (C or better) or RN or LPN license
Corequisite: None
Nursing III
Nursing III students care for individuals who have alterations in their functional health patterns with potentially ineffective responses. The nursing process is utilized to diagnose and treat the responses. Clinical experience is expanded to allow for increased student-patient interaction and practice settings. Students use current technology to analyze and integrate data.
9 credits
Prerequisite: NURS102 (C or better) or Permission of the Department of Health Sciences, and PSYC110 and SOCI110 and COMP111 or
Corequisite: PSYC110 and SOCI110 and COMP111
Nursing IV
Nursing IV continues with the nursing care that assists individuals to respond to alterations in every functional health pattern and ineffective responses to each of those alterations, emphasizing the cognitive perceptual health pattern. Students care for patients and use current technology to analyze and integrate data.
9 credits
Prerequisite: NURS201 (C or better) or permission of the Department of Health Sciences, and COMM110 and Arts/Humanities elective or
Corequisite: COMM110 and Arts/Humanities elective
Nursing Health Assessment
This course provides theory and technical skills to perform health and physical assessment. The legal and ethical aspects of the examination and documentation will be included. This course may fill the pre-requisite requirement for Registered Nurses pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.
3 credits
Prerequisite: BIOL182 (C or better)
Corequisite: None