Visual Arts
Studio art supplies can be expensive. Lab fees may be required.Drawing I
This is an introduction to the concepts and techniques of drawing. The course stresses disciplined draftsmanship. Students analyze the structure and appearance of natural forms. Relying on their perception, observation, and memory, they apply basic drawing skills. Black and white media are utilized to explore space, value, and volume.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
2-D Design Fundamentals
This course introduces students to abstract and representational two-dimensional design concepts. Projects emphasize creativity, conceptualization, problem-solving, skill-building, expression, execution, teamwork, research techniques, and presentation. Black, white, and gray media serve as the basis for learning the vocabulary, concepts, and principles of two-dimensional design.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
3-D Design Fundamentals
This foundation course covers the elements and principles of three-dimensional form in space and lays the groundwork for future 3-D courses. The materials employed introduce basic technical skills, and conceptual approaches are emphasized. The relationship between two- and three-dimensional thinking is stressed.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Drawing II
This course refines and expands the knowledge base and skill set developed in Drawing I. Students employ a variety of media to investigate three-dimensional illusion and compositional methods working from still life, figure, interiors and landscape. They additionally examine and practice contemporary concepts in drawing.
3 credits
Prerequisite: VAFA100 (C or better) or permission of the Arts Department
Corequisite: None
2-D Design Color
Students learn basic color concepts including theory, perception, chromatic relationships, phenomena, terminology, physics, psychology and harmony. Projects emphasize perception, creativity, conceptualization, problem-solving, skill-building, expression, execution, teamwork, research techniques, and presentation. Working in paint and/or paper serves as the basis for learning the principles of color.
3 credits
Prerequisite: VAFA101 (C or better) or permission of the Arts Department
Corequisite: None
3-D Design Materials/Modeling
This course combines the study and examination of process-based forms and figurative based-forms. Students are introduced to drawing and modeling the human body. Students are introduced to various tools, materials, and techniques in the application of design to tactile forms in space.
3 credits
Prerequisite: VAFA102 (C or better) or permission of the Arts Department
Corequisite: None
Drawing Basics
This course introduces and reinforces preliminary skills related to basic drawing concepts. The course comprehends three major units: (1) Simple shapes and Proportions; (2) Measuring and Perspective; and (3) Light and Composition. Students improve their concentration in a studio setting and develop essential skills related to drawing structural forms.
3 credits
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Fine Arts and Design Portfolio Studio
Students develop and enhance their fine arts and design portfolio for transfer or employment. Also, students prepare and deliver an informative speech describing their work using appropriate vocabulary and/or historical references. Finally, students engage in class critiques of their work and the work of other students.
3 credits
Prerequisite: 24 studio credits and either VAFA191 (c or better), VAFA192 (C or better), or VAFA193 (C or better) or permission of the Arts Department
Corequisite: None