Upper Bucks Campus Services
The Upper Bucks Campus has a Student Services Resource Center where students can easily access information about college programs and services. The Student Services Resource Center contains information regarding Transfer Services, Career Services, Financial Aid Information, Accessibility Services, Prior Learning Assessment, and Veterans Services and Benefits.
Other on-site student services include:
Perkins Goals Coaching
Whether your goal is graduating, transferring, or earning your certificate, our Perkins Goals Coach will work with all students in occupational programs to identify your needs, motivate you, keep you on track. Appointments can be made with the Perkins Goals Coach, Heather Aivazian, at the Upper Bucks Campus during the Fall and Spring semesters. For more information, please call our Welcome desk at 215-258-7700.

Ready, Set, Goals!
Spring Workshops with Heather Aivazian
Wednesday, March 12, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. UBC Student Commons - TIME MANAGEMENT MASTERY: BALANCING SCHOOL, WORK AND LIFE
Thursday, April 3, Noon - 1:00 p.m. UBC Library Learning Studio - TEST PREP PIT STOP
Monday, May 5, 11:00 - 11:30 a.m. UBC Library Learning Studio
If you are unable to attend and would like to receive more information,
Email heather.aivazian@bucks.edu
Testing Services
Information for placement testing and other testing information including locations and availibility.
Academic Success (Tutoring) Services
FREE tutoring is available to all students in our Tutoring Center, located in the Student Commons area of the South Building, Room 250. Tutoring help is available in mathematics on a walk-in basis, and writing, accounting, and chemistry/biology by appointment. Students may also use our free, online tutoring services in addition to the Tutoring Center. 215-258-7716
The Accessibility Office
Students with disabilities who maybe eligible for reasonable accommodations should request them through this office. Services can include interpreters, note takers, readers, access to alternative texts, liaison with faculty, adaptive technology and testing modifications. Note that faculty are not required to provide accommodations unless the student has registered with the Accessibility Office.
Students are stronly urged to contact this office for information prior to or immediately after registering for classes by contacting Deborah Hoelper at 215-968-8465 or deborah.hoelper@bucks.edu.
Library Services
Located on the ground floor of the North Building, the Maureen McGrory Stewart Library. Intercampus loans of books and journals are also available. 215-258-7721
Help Desk & Services Center
At the Upper Bucks Campus, our Help Desk is located within our Library, on the ground floor of the North building. The mission of the Help Desk is to provide assistance to students, faculty and staff in their use of technology tools.
The Help Desk provides: one-on-one technology assistance, just-in-time training, targeted workshops, and assistance with basic computer skills. Users can expect assistance in the following areas:
- Microsoft Operating Systems
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Logins and passwords
- Internet browsers
- College Intranet
- College's WebMail system
- Canvas for online learning
- Self-Service to find courses, register for classes, and check grades
Student Counseling Services
Counseling Services are free and confidential for currently enrolled Bucks students. We offer a variety of services to assist you with decision making, goal setting, and problem-solving when personal issues interfere with academic pursuits. To make an appointment, please call (215) 968-8189 or email counseling@bucks.edu and we will be happy to assist you.
Information Guide for Victims of Sexual Assault
For more information about the Upper Bucks Campus Services, please contact Kevin Murray, Interim Director- Upper Bucks Campus, at 215-258-7752 or email: Kevin.Murray@bucks.edu.