Pennsylvania CareerLink
Pennsylvania CareerLink offers workforce services that are available to the community, students, and alumni. The presence of a CareerLink office on the Upper Bucks Campus offers job search, a resources area, and career exploration services conveniently located to the Central and Upper Bucks community.
Contact Cindy Paetow 215-258-7755
Center for Workforce Development
ABE (Adult Basic Education) Program
A program for individuals 18 years and over who want to increase their basic literacy skills and/or attain a High School Equivalency (GED). Classes are offered throughout the year.
Contact Michael Stapf 215-258-7733
EARN (Employment, Advancement, Retention and Network) Program
A program for individuals wanting to find employment in a high priority occupation, advance their education, or get free training. Admission to the program is through the County Assistance Office.
Coordinator Katrina Stutzman 215-258-7731
ISY (In School Youth) Program
A program for junior and senior high school students helping with the transition from high school to the workforce or college. The program is designed to help participants overcome barriers, build confidence, and enhance the skills needed to enter and complete post-secondary education or be successful in the workplace. Classes are offered September through May.