Facility Use Policy
Use of Buildings and Facilities - Outside Organizations
The physical facilities of the College have been provided to enable the institution to carry out its responsibilities of education and public service in accord with the College's mission.
Under limited circumstances, groups outside the College community may use College facilities provided that such use does not interfere with the normal activities of the institution, and is in accord with the College mission.
Recognizing that the College cannot honor all of the many requests it receives from off-campus groups for the use of facilities, the following policies are established:
- DEFINITION: Those activities within the broad definition of education and public service, which the College initiates, have priority over all other uses of the institution's physical facilities. College, in this context, means a division, department, or other official administrative or service unit, a recognized employee organization, or recognized student organization.
- NON-INTERFERENCE: The use of College facilities by off-campus groups shall not interfere with or prevent the use of the facilities for the regular instructional program or for other scheduled activities. The College reserves the right to cancel a scheduled use of College facilities at any time in the event of an emergency or other circumstances beyond its control. In this instance, all fees, if any, shall be fully refunded.
- LIMIT NUMBER: The College reserves the right to restrict the number of facility rentals events in any given year dependent upon human and physical resources. The College shall have the sole and exclusive right to determine level of services needed to support use of facilities by off campus groups. Schedules are developed on a yearly basis; multi-year requests will not be considered.
- RESTRICTION: The College reserves the right to restrict use of facilities to Not for Profit and For Profit entities. Not for Profit entities will be required to submit proof of Not for Profit status.
- COMPENSATION: Off-campus groups using College facilities must compensate the College for all expenses resulting from the activities including custodial service, labor, security, conference arrangements or other related costs. The College may require a deposit to cover additional service fees.
- APPROVAL:The Director of Community Programming and College Events shall receive requests for the use of College facilities by off-campus groups and direct them to the President's Council for final approval.
- UNREASONABLE: The College shall refuse the use of its facilities to off-campus groups that otherwise would be eligible, where the proposed activity would require an unreasonable amount of College supervision or service, or where there is a question concerning the safety of the participants or of College property.
- COMPETITION: The College shall refuse the use of its facilities to off-campus groups where the proposed activity will be in direct competition with local businesses and establishments.
- WEDDINGS, ETC:Excluding weddings, which may only be organized thru, Open Aire Affairs, the College shall refuse the use of its facilities to off-campus groups or individuals for private parties or other individual celebrations since these activities do not facilitate the College's mission.
- INSURANCE: The College shall refuse the use of its facilities to off-campus groups that do not agree to carry insurance insuring the user and the College against claims in a sum not less than $1,000,000 for an event and not less than $3,000,000 for an event at which alcohol will be served.
- INDEMNITY:The College may refuse the use of its facilities to off-campus groups that do not agree to indemnify and hold the College harmless against and from any and all claims, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from the group's activity or from any act of negligence of the group.
- TERMINATION: The College may refuse the use of its facilities to off-campus groups that do not agree to acknowledge that the College may terminate its agreement with the off-campus group at any time, for reasons beyond the College's control, if it is unable to provide the facilities and services promised.
- CATERING:The College retains an in-house food service caterer, CulinArt, Inc (main campus), Slack's Hoagie Shack Café (Lower Bucks campus), The Vibe Cafe (Upper Bucks campus). The College requests that off-campus groups consider using CulinArt, Inc. for their catering needs. These in-house food service caterers have first right of refusal.
- ALCOHOL: It is the policy of Bucks County Community College to maintain a working environment that is free of the ill effects of alcohol. If the user wishes to serve alcohol at the event, permission must be requested from the President of the College. If alcohol beverages are to be served, the user agrees to indemnify and save harmless the College against all losses, damages or liability growing out of the user's failure or default in the observance of compliance with all laws regulating the sale or provision of alcoholic beverages. In no event, however, will alcoholic beverages be sold at the event. Groups agree to carry insurance insuring the user and the College against claims in a sum not less than $3,000,000 for an event at which alcohol will be served.
- FUND RAISING: The use of College facilities solely for fund-raising purposes by non-college, Non-Profit and For-Profit agencies shall be limited and may only be approved by the President. The College reserves the right to set the number of fund-raising events in any given year dependent upon human and physical resources.
Use of Facilities by Outside Organizations
The following guidelines will be used to interpret the policy on Use of College Buildings and Facilities by Community and Other Responsible Organizations:
- The college will determine if the activity can be accommodated. Consideration will be given to the need for extra custodial and security personnel, space requirements and other auxiliary services.
- Additional consideration will be given to the potential problems related to the flow of students, faculty and staff in classrooms, halls, walkways, parking lots, campus roadways, and other college facilities.
- The college has not needed many rules and regulations in the safe and orderly administration of the College. Existing rules and regulations are primarily limited to traffic, smoking and student conduct. The same regulations that apply to students will apply to others using the facilities with the approval of the College.
- Activities sponsored by outside organizations may not restrict participation on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, veteran status, or political affiliation.
- Programs and activities of a controversial nature will be permitted if the College's neutrality can be maintained by programming equal opportunity for all opposing views and dissenting opinions and a statement is made that the views expressed do not represent the opinions or views of the Board of Trustees or the College community.
- A controversial activity is interpreted to mean a program where the philosophy is challenged by one or more ideologies. Organizations sponsoring controversial programs must provide program time to hear opposing views and dissents from other recognized organizations if requested to do so by the College or the opposing organization(s).
- The philosophy for interpreting the policy on the use of College buildings and facilities is based on equality and social justice. Nothing in the policy, procedure and guidelines should be interpreted to mean the College will not approve requests from special interest groups and organizations representing limited geographic areas. The College reserves the right to add, delete, or alter these guidelines to meet the philosophy and intent of the policy.
The appropriate form requesting use of college facilities must be completed for all requests prior to any confirmation or approval. This request represents only an inquiry of availability of space. It is important that the President, Deans and various departments of the college, i.e. Security and Safety, Physical Plant, etc. be notified, via this form, of all requests for use of facilities.
All room reservations are expected to be entered in the College's reservation system after appropriate clearances are received. All outside organizations sign a standard contract form which provides appropriate legal and insurance coverage's for the College. College policy regarding direct expenses for maintenance and security will be followed. College contact persons should familiarize themselves with these practices.
The College reserves the right to approve or disapprove use of College facilities.