Statement on Appropriate Behavior During a Test
Academic dishonesty is inappropriate and unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated during tests or in any academic activity at Bucks County Community College. Academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Copying from another person's test or sharing your own work with another examinee.
- Offering another person's work as your own, such as having your test taken by someone else.
- Taking a test for another person.
- Possessing or using unauthorized materials (including electronic devices), prepared notes or answers keys during a test.
- Stealing or attempting to steal a test booklet or answer key, or leaving the room with scrap paper.
When cheating occurs, the instructor will be notified with the details of the incident.
Students are expected to follow the rules listed below when taking an exam in the Testing Center:
- Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off.
- Coats and book bags must be left in the reception area. Keep pocketbooks and handbags under your chair.
- You may not leave the room during your test. Use the restroom, if necessary, before beginning your test.
- Talking or making distracting noise is not permitted.
- All test materials and scrap paper must be returned to the test proctor before leaving the Testing Center.
- College policies regarding misconduct and academic integrity will be enforced. Any irregularities will be reported.
- No food or drink allowed in the testing room.
- No hoods or hats covering the ears may be worn during testing.
For additional information on Buck's policy pertaining to Academic Honesty, please refer to the Bucks County Community College Catalog.