Tips for Success
Manage your time
You will need to stay on top of your assignments and keep current with any interaction required in your classes. Managing your time wisely is critical.
Start your work as soon as the semester begins
And pay close attention to any schedules or guidelines. They will help you to keep yourself on-task and on-time. Since assignments can be completed from any place with an Internet connection, there are few excuses for late work. Plan ahead.
Ask for help
If something isn't going right or if you don't understand something. Even though you do not see your instructor face-to-face on a regular basis, you are entitled to regular contact with him/her.
Take the time to learn more about your online learning space
Learn how to navigate through it and how to use the course tools your instructor has included. Find out what everything is for. Review any help files you find along the way.
Expect the first week or two of your online class to be an adjustment period
By the third week, you should feel much more comfortable. Any technical problems should be worked out, and the rhythm of your class should take over.
Take advantage
Of the support services and resources available through Bucks.
Don't procrastinate.
Don't waste time trying to solve a problem that has you stumped. Try to work out your difficulty. But if you can't, call or send an e-mail to your instructor or to the technical support staff, whichever applies.
Don't use your electronic correspondence tools improperly by making inappropriate comments or inflammatory remarks. Most people find it very difficult to accurately portray emotions through the written word. Before you hit the 'send' button, make sure you haven't misread someone else's comments and poorly worded your own in response.