Bucks is the smart start.
Bucks County Community College offers you a unique opportunity to begin your academic career in a welcoming community of scholars and professionals while developing the foundation for your future education.
Schedule a consult with Admissions
- Legal Permanent Residents – If you are a legal permanent resident, in immigrant status, you will need to supply a copy of your government documentation, such as a green card or other document which proves their legal status. This can be scanned and emailed to apply@bucks.edu.
- F-1 Visa – If you are wanting to study under an F-1 Visa, please read through the Next Steps directions from this site.
- F-1 Guest Students – If you hold an F-1 Visa from another institution and are seeking to enroll in a Bucks course, you should
- Apply to the College
- Next, send a copy of your visa, and unless enrolling in a summer course, request an email stating approval from their international advisor be sent to international@bucks.edu. If enrolling in an online course, also submit the International Disclaimer.
- J-1 Au Pair Students – Bucks offers au pairs an opportunity to fulfill their visa educational requirement by enrolling in non-credit classes. Learn more about Continuing Education.
An unbeatable value
Start smart: Get options, Save thousands
Completing your first and second-year studies at Bucks can be a real cost benefit. Our tuition is more affordable than many public and private institutions, and with our quality education, you can earn your associate degree and save money at the same time.
Whether your plans for life after Bucks involve transferring or entering the workforce, the savings of a Bucks start will benefit you for years to come. Our tuition and fee structure can be viewed on the link below. Please know that tuition and fees for international students, along with any student in non-immigrant status, are at the out-of-state rate.
Transferring from Bucks
The community college model is a unique arrangement that allows you to complete your university degree at a fraction of the traditional cost. Here's how it works.
Transfer Programs
We have built our network of transfer agreements tirelessly, ensuring that our students gain the most value possible from their time at Bucks.
For many of our preferred transfer schools, not only will Bucks students get 100% equivalent credit for every course they have taken, but the final two years of their bachelor’s program will be discounted as well.