A Guide to Planning your Transfer
Understand the Rules of Transfer!
Early planning is the key to a successful transfer. Selecting your Bucks courses wisely means that you are completing both core requirements (sometimes referred to as "general education" or "liberal arts" courses) and introductory courses in your major area of study.
As you take courses at Bucks, there are two questions to keep in mind:
Does this course transfer to the four-year college I want?
Does this course count towards my major in the degree program I want?
Just because a course will transfer to a four-year school, it does not necessarily mean that it will count in the degree program you are seeking. Know the requirements of the school and the major you want, and then choose the Bucks courses that meet those requirements.
Follow the guidelines below.
- Find a major!
Decide on a major you would like to study at the four-year college. Use career web resources and self-assessments to begin your exploration. Check out Bucks Career Services. - Find a school that meets your needs!
- Use the resources of Transfer Services:
- View college catalogs and flyers.
- Use Peterson's Guide for descriptions of schools.
- Transfer Facts provide information about transferring to individual colleges.
- Transfer Fairs bring admissions representatives from many four-year colleges to one location to talk with you about their programs, admissions requirements, and transfer.
- Use Transfer Services website to educate yourself about the transfer agreements we have with various colleges and universities.
- Make a transfer planning appointment by using the contact information in the bottom right corner of the page.
- Check out websites:
Visit the following websites for more information about schools, their majors, locations, etc.
- Visit the schools under consideration
Take a tour of campus and meet with admissions and department representatives.
- Use the resources of Transfer Services:
- You've got the direction; you've got the school...keep planning!
- Consult your departmental advisor for course guidance.
- Make a transfer planning appointment using the contact information in the bottom right corner of the page, to see how your Bucks degree will fit into your desired bachelor's degree.
- Match your Bucks courses with your transfer school requirements.
- If you are receiving accomodations at Bucks, and wish to self-disclose to your transfer school, you can transfer your accomodations.