York College of PA

About York College of PA
York College of Pennsylvania is an established private college nestled between Baltimore, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia. A Princeton review Best Northeastern College, our picturesque campus is home to 3500+ undergraduate and graduate students in the growing city of York, PA. We pride ourselves on our student-centric and high-impact approach to education, our emphasis on experiential learning and community engagement, our dedicated faculty, and our long-standing commitment to affordability and accessibility.
Sueann Robbins
Director of Graduate and Transfer AdmissionsTransfer Agreements
Sport Management Agreement
Under this Agreement, students enrolled in the Sport Management Associate degree program at Bucks will be admitted into a Sport Management Bachelor's degree program at York College of Pa. Students will enter York College of Pa into the Sport Management program as a junior:
- Graduate from Bucks with an Associate degree in Sport Management with a minimum GPA of 2.0.
- York will accept up to 75 credits.
- Student with 30 or more credits will have FYS 100: First Year Seminar waived.
- Student with 60 or more credits will be waived the Constellation requirement (12 credits). May require the student to take 12 credits of electives.
- Finish in the Bachelor's degree in two years if a full-time student and the student follows the recommended course sequencing.
- Student who live more than 35 miles away will be required to live on campus.