Thomas Edison State University

About Thomas Edison State University
Thomas Edison State University has a national reputation for academic excellence and educational integrity. The University is one of New Jersey's 11 senior public institutions of higher education and one of the first schools in the country designed specifically for adults. The University provides flexible, high-quality, collegiate learning opportunities for self-directed adults and offers degree programs and certificates in more than 100 areas of study.
RN-BSN Program
Transfer Agreements
RN-BSN Agreement
Provisional Admission: Students must be in the Bucks Nursing (2035) major and can apply to the RN-BSN or RN-BSM/MSN program at Thomas Edison State University. Provisionally admitted students may enroll in NUR-340, NUR-342, HPS-200 and/or PHI-475 at Thomas Edison while enrolled at Bucks (financial aid will not apply to those courses while enrolled at Bucks). Once provisionally accepted, students will have up to one year to obtain the RN licensure.
To take advantage of the program students should fill out the Letter of Intent (in progress). Student must be fully admitted into the Bucks Nursing program to be eligible to fill out the form.
Full Admission: Students will need to graduate from Bucks in the Nursing program, submit a current and valid unencumbered RN license, and submit a final Bucks Transcript.
- Benefits:
- A maximum of 90 credits will be accepted (transfer guide).
- Students will be charged the discounted rate of 5% less than the New Jersey resident prevailing nursing per credit tuition established by TESU regardless of the student's state of residency.
- A deferred billing option is available. Student will need to register online.