Moravian University

About Moravian University
Founded in 1742, Moravian University offers students a private education they will not find anywhere else: personal attention and preparation for life with a record of success longer than our nation’s history.
With small class sizes and expansive academics, Moravian University is both selective and accessible, rooted in an education-for-all inclusiveness that we pioneered. The first school to open its doors to women, Moravian has constantly evolved over 280 years and now carries university recognition, reflecting the richness of our undergraduate, graduate, and research offerings.
Open to students of every background and faith, we celebrate our historic roots in the Moravian Church and continue our founders' legacy of crossing borders and overcoming barriers. Set in charming Bethlehem and the picturesque Lehigh Valley of eastern Pennsylvania, Moravian is the place for those expecting remarkably dedicated faculty, the latest technology, the warmest of spirits, and the power to truly transform your life.
Transfer Agreements
Terms of the Articulation Agreement
This agreement is designed to set recommended criteria for prospective students, encourage student achievement, and facilitate the transfer of course credits resulting in a seamless transition from Bucks County Community College to Moravian University.
Prospective students are encouraged to apply as early as possible in their Bucks County Community College career so that they may begin working with the Director of Transfer Enrollment at Moravian University in preparation for future transfer.
- Application deadline for fall enrollment is May 1
- Application deadline for spring enrollment is December 1
- The quality of the student’s academic record, activities/work experience, personal characteristics, and other indications of general promise will all be taken into consideration during the application process
- A maximum of 64 college credits may be transferred
- Moravian University maintains a course by course transfer guide which is housed on both of our websites
- In order for a course to qualify for transfer credit, the student must have earned at least a grade of “C” or better
- Credit for AP, IB, and CLEP will be considered dependent upon the appropriate score achieved
- Program to program transfer matrices will be explored for specific majors in the near future
In order to maximize opportunities for Bucks County Community College students, various scholarships are available. The scholarship amounts are detailed on Moravian University’s website. Financial aid is also available to students who demonstrate need.
- PTK Scholarship
- Bucks County Community College Fellows Scholarship
- Founders Scholarship
- Bucks County Community College Fellows – Students transferring from a community college with superior academic achievements and who are active members of PTK are eligible to receive $20,000 annually.
- Phi Theta Kappa – Students transferring from a community college who are active members of Phi Theta Kappa will receive a merit scholarship of $15,000 annually.
- Founders – Students transferring from a four-year institution are eligible to receive a merit scholarship up to $20,000 annually.