Lynn University

Core-to-CoreDual AdmissionGeneral Articulation
About Lynn University
Lynn University is an independent college based in Boca Raton, Florida, with nearly 3,500 students from over 100 countries. U.S. News & World Report has recognized Lynn for its innovation, international students and value. Lynn's NCAA Division II Fighting Knights have won 25 national titles, its Conservatory of Music features a world-renowned faculty of performers, and its nationally recognized Institute for Achievement and Learning empowers students with learning differences.
The school's Dialogues curriculum and award-winning iPad program help Lynn graduates gain the intellectual flexibility and global experience to fulfill their potential in an ever-changing world.
Susan Bronstein
Associate Director/ Transfer CoordinatorTransfer Agreements
Articulation/Core-to-Core Agreement
- Consider and accept the general education core earned at Bucks as fulfilling all of Lynn’s 100 & 200 level “Dialogues” core requirement.
- Bucks graduates who transfer with the degree under the terms of this Agreement shall enter with junior standing and all credit awarded by Bucks will transfer to Lynn, which includes a minimum of 60 credits earned toward the degree. The Bucks graduate must meet the specific degree course requirements of Lynn, which may mean extending the number of credit hours to earn the degree, if the 60 hours transferred and applied do not include all of the degree prerequisites or graduation requirements.
- Grant admission to Bucks A.A. and A.S. Biology recipients with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and a satisfactory Dean of Students Certification form
- Offer Transfer Scholarships to Bucks AA recipients with a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher. Phi Theta Kappa Members will receive $1,000 combinable with transfer scholarship. (3.5 GPA or higher).
- Lynn University Scholarships
- Offer Transfer Scholarships to Bucks AA recipients with a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher. Phi Theta Kappa Members will receive $1,000 combinable with transfer scholarship. (3.5 GPA or higher).