La Salle University

About La Salle University
La Salle University offers its diverse community of learners a rigorous curriculum designed to help students gain theoretical and practical knowledge; deepen their ethical sensibilities; and prepare for a lifetime of continuous learning, professional success and dedicated service. As a Catholic university rooted in the liberal arts tradition, La Salle challenges students to contemplate life’s ultimate questions as they develop their faith, engage in a free search for truth, and explore their full human potential.
As a Lasallian institution named for St. John Baptist de La Salle, patron saint of teachers, La Salle promotes excellence in teaching and scholarship, demonstrates respect for each person, nurtures mentoring relationships and encourages authentic community. All members of the community are called to maintain a heightened sensitivity to those marginalized within society as they practice civic engagement, provide leadership with a global perspective and contribute to the common good.
Today, La Salle offers a variety of fully online options for students interested in combining academic quality, flexibility and convenience. For students desiring to start or complete a degree, prepare for a new career, or enhance professional skills, La Salle can help achieve those goals within a collaborative online learning environment.
Sheila Horne
Associate Director, Transfer AdmissionTransfer Agreements
Agreement/Transfer Information
Core-to-Core/Dual Admission Agreement with Bucks
Under this agreement, LaSalle University's Core requirements will essentially be fulfilled by completing the Associate of Arts degree in the transfer majors designated below (see Program Articulations) with a grade point average of 2.5 or better.
Students who graduate with the designated associate degree program must complete "core qualifiers". For most programs, this requirement is:
- (1) religion course
- (1) philosophy course
- (1) introductory computer science course (CISC100, CISC110, or CISC115 at Bucks)
The qualifying courses can be completed at LaSalle (within the final two years of study) as the student proceeds through his or her program of study at the University. However, if applicable, students may be able to complete "qualifier" courses as part of their program at BCCC, as long as these credits are within the maximum of 70 credits permitted in transfer.
Dual Admission
Students will complete an online Dual Admission Application (make an account first) before completing 45 credits at Bucks. The Dual Admission Form will serve as the application to La Salle University, indicating the student's interest in attending La Salle after completion of a designated associate degree program at Bucks. Once that student has completed the Dual Admission Form, he or she will be required to forward all final transcripts from Bucks to La Salle to verify that conditions of this agreement have been met. There is no fee required for the Dual Admission Form.
Program Articulations
Program articulations for individual majors are currently being updated. Currently on-file we have transfer articulations for the following Bucks majors. Consult a transfer advisor for updates.
- Biology (AA. 1003) to
- Biology (BS) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Biology (BS) (Bucks catalog year 2015 or later)
- Business Administration (AA. 1009, Prior to catalog 2015) to Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Business Administration, Business Systems and Analytics, Finance, International Business, Management and Leadership, and Marketing
- Business Administration (AA. 1009, Bucks 2015 catalog year or later) to Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Business Administration, Business Systems and Analytics, Finance, International Business, Management and Leadership, and Marketing
- Chemistry (AA. 1004) to
- Chemistry/ Biochemistry (BA) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Chemistry/ Biochemistry (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Communication Studies (AA. 1120) to
- Communication (BA): tracks in Journalism, Public Relations, Communication Management, and Mass Media (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Communication (BA): tracks in Journalism, Public Relations, Communication Management, and Mass Media (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Computer Science (AA. 1103) to
- Computer Science (BS) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Computer Science (BS) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Criminal Justice (AA. 1189) to
- Criminal Justice (BA) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Criminal Justice (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- English (AA. 1200) to English (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Journalism (AA. 1045) to
- Communication: Journalism Track (BA) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Communication: Journalism Track (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Individual Transfer Studies (AA. 1146) to
- Digital Arts and Media Design (BA) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Digital Arts and Media Design (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Information Science and Technology (AA. 1102) to
- Information Technology (BS) and Computer Science (BA) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Information Technology (BS) and Computer Science (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Liberal Arts: General (AA. 1002) (Prior to catalog year 2015) to a variety of possible liberal arts majors
- Liberal Arts: General (AA. 1002) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later) to a variety of possible liberal arts majors
- Liberal Arts: General (AA. 1002) to Early Childhood Education (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- History (AA. 1195) to
- History (BA) (Prior to 2015 catalog year or later)
- History (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Liberal Arts: General (AA. 1002) to
- Nursing (BSN) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Nursing (BSN) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Liberal Arts: General (AA. 1002) to
- Liberal Arts: General (AA. 1002) to
- Public Health (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Public Health (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Mathematics (AA. 1006) to
- Mathematics (BA) and Mathematics (BS) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Mathematics (BA) and Mathematics (BS) (Bucks catalog year or later)
- Pre Allied Health (AA. 1105) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later) to
- Psychology Pre-Professional (AA. 1060) to
- Psychology (BA) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Psychology (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Secondary Education History (AA. 1180) to
- Secondary Education History (BA) Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Secondary Education History (BA) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- Social Services (AA. 1130) to Social Work (BSW) (Prior to catalog 2015)
- Social Work (AA. 1130) to
- Social Work (BSW) (Prior to catalog year 2015)
- Social Work (BSW) (Bucks 2015 catalog year or later)
- LaSalle University Scholarships
- The following scholarships are available to full-time day transfer students. The Founders Scholarship is awarded to students with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5, varying between $4,000 and $11,000 (renewable annually). Members of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society with a 3.5 GPA or above will receive an additional scholarship of $1,000 per year of attendance, with proof of membership. Dual Admission applicants will be offered the Dual Admission Achievement Scholarship in the amount of $1,500 per year of attendance.