Commonwealth University (Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, Mansfield)

About Commonwealth University (Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, Mansfield)
Bloomsburg Campus: Founded in 1839, Bloomsburg was built on the vision that higher education should be available to anyone who is ready to work for a better life. Today that tradition continues, with limitless opportunities for our students across the Commonwealth and beyond.
Lock Haven Campus: Founded in 1870 to train teachers for the Commonwealth, Lock Haven has prepared students for succession work and life for more than a century. Part of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher education (PASSHE) since 1982. Over 34,000 alumni live in every state and work in a wide variety of professions.
Mansfield Campus: Mansfield is dedicated to a personalized education with all programs grounded in the liberal arts. As a small, public university, we are committed to promoting leadership development through character, scholarship, cultural awareness, and service to others. Through our passion for learning, we positively influence the world.
Transfer Agreements
Reverse Transfer
Guaranteed Transfer Admission
Guaranteed Admission to Technical Leadership
Guaranteed Transfer Admission:
Under the Guaranteed Admission Agreement, Bucks students will be guaranteed admission into a Bachelor’s degree program with third year (junior) status in a parallel program:
- Graduate from Bucks with an Associate Degree
- Complete the transfer application by August 1st for Fall admission or January 1 for Spring admission.
- If applying to an Education major at Bloomsburg, Bucks graduates will be required to hold a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
- Satisfy all other Commonwealth University transfer requirements to the major including preferred GPA requirements.
- Enroll at Commonwealth University within one year of Bucks graduation and do not attend another institution between the times the student graduates from Bucks and commencement of enrollment at Commonwealth University.
Reverse Transfer Agreement
Bucks County Community College (Bucks) and Bloomsburg University have entered into a partnership that allows students to complete their community college associate degree program by the reverse transfer of college credits, concurrent with the enrollment at Bloomsburg University.
Find out more about completing your associate degree through Reverse Transfer. Submit the below forms:
Reverse Transfer Application and Application for Degree Conferral
Guaranteed Admissions to BAS Degree in Technical Leadership
Students who complete the requirements for an associate degree in any of the following: Associate of Arts (A.A), Associate of Science (A.S.), Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.), Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.) or an Associate of Music (A.M.) Degree and meet the admission requirements as stated in this agreement may enter the fifth semester with at least full junior standing in Bloomsburg University’s Bachelor of Applied Science Degree program in Technical Leadership (BAS-TL).
Terms of the Agreement
- Complete an Associate Degree at Bucks with a GPA of 2.0 or greater.
- At the time of application to Bloomsburg University, provide official high school transcripts or GED and official transcripts of all college courses taken up to and including the previous semester. The application fee will be waived.
- Upon receiving the associate degree, Bucks students are responsible for providing a final official transcript to Bloomsburg University.
The following items will apply to all matriculated students who have earned an associate degree at Bucks:
- A block transfer of 60 credits will be accepted from Bucks for graduates with an associate degree to Bloomsburg University Bachelor of Applied Science in Technical Leadership major. Additional courses not used to satisfy requirements for the associate degree will be evaluated for transfer credit on a course-by-course basis.
- Bloomsburg University recognizes the associate degree may be certified and confirmed by the completion of community college courses, dual enrollment credits, transfer course credits, life experience portfolio credits, developmental course credits, credits from courses with grades below ‘C’, articulated credits from Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, CLEP testing, AP courses, military training credits and any other courses or learning elements that have been accepted by the community college as meeting the requirements for their associate degree. See PLA connections to Technical High Schools.
- Bloomsburg University assumes the associate degree graduate has fulfilled thirty (30) General Education Points (GEP’s) reflective of MyCore, Bloomsburg University’s General Education program. Students will fulfill their remaining ten (10) GEP’s earned through the required fifteen (15) courses in the BAS-TL program. These points will be earned by the prescribed courses that have been identified and delivered in the program by the Department of Instructional Technology, to meet the graduation requirements for the BAS-TL major.
- These fifteen (15) BAS-TL courses or 45 credits from Bloomsburg University are program specific. An additional fifteen (15) credits of coursework will be required to complete the BAS-TL degree. For students entering the BAS-TL degree with an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or an A.M. degree these additional five (5) courses or fifteen (15) credits of coursework will be focused on careers through consultation with their Bloomsburg University advisor. For students entering the BAS-TL degree with an A.A.S. degree, these additional five (5) courses or fifteen (15) credits will be completed through General Education coursework with at least one course in the following areas: mathematics, natural science and public speaking. Bloomsburg University encourages students to take these five (5) courses at their community college.
- Community College courses that are completed to fulfill the 15 General Education or career-oriented coursework credits while enrolled in the BAS-TL program are, as such, part of the BAS-TL curriculum. Courses completed at the community college with a grade below a ‘C’ will be accepted in the same manner as a resident student on the Bloomsburg University campus. Procedurally, this approach applies the same standards to students in our off-campus BAS-TL programs that are applied to students who are resident at the Bloomsburg University main campus.
- Students who elect to change their major at Bloomsburg University will receive a new transfer evaluation using the standard course-by-course method of evaluation.
- Commonwealth University Scholarships
- Agreement Scholarships (full-time status)
- 3.5 - 4.0 GPA: $5000.00 annually.
- 3.0 - 3.49 GPA: $4000.00 annually.
- 2.5 - 2.99 GPA: $3000.00 annually.
- 2.0 - 2.49 GPA: $2000.00 annually.