Chestnut Hill College

About Chestnut Hill College
At Chestnut Hill College, we emphasize the growth of the whole person. That means we strive to provide our students with not only an enriching and challenging academic environment, but also with an exciting social life, a healthy spiritual life and a well-rounded active life.
So take a look around. You’ll soon discover just how much there is to see and do on campus, in the charming town of Chestnut Hill, and in Philadelphia—truly one of the greatest cities in the world. It’s apparent that life as a Chestnut Hill College student is, well, quite lively.
Transfer Agreements
There are two paths to accomplish a Bachelor's Degree at Chestnut Hill College. Both fall under the Dual Admission/ Core to Core agreement but have slightly different benefits listed below. All other benefits are covered by both paths.
Dual Admission and Core to Core
Students admitted into an Associate of Art (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), or Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) program at Bucks will be admitted into a Bachelor’s degree program at CHC on the condition that they:
- Complete a Dual Admission Intent Form, preferably before the completion of 30 credits, and the appropriate CHC application in the final year of Bucks degree program.
- Graduate from Bucks with an Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), or Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree.
- Graduate from Bucks with a minimum GPA of 2.0.
- Enroll at Chestnut Hill College within 12 months of graduation and not attend anther institution.
- Students must complete a minimum of 45 academic credits at CHC in order to earn a degree.
- Satisfy all other CHC admissions requirements.
- In addition, Chestnut Hill College will accept the general education requirements of Bucks’ A.A., A.S. or A.A.S.degrees as meeting the requirements of its Core Curriculum and basic requirements except for six credits in Religious Studies, three credits in Ethics and three credits in a Global Studies seminar. Students may complete some of these additional requirements at Bucks and should refer to the recommended course equivalency guides for details.
School of Undergraduate Studies (traditional day program) |
School of Continuing & Professional Studies (evening accelerated program) | ||||||
- Dual Admission Scholarship- Undergraduate Studies (traditional daytime program) see above.