Arcadia University

About Arcadia University
Arcadia University is a private university in Glenside, Pennsylvania. The university enrolls approximately 4,000 undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students. The 76-acre campus features Grey Towers Castle, a National Historic Landmark.
Darien Ryan
Transfer Admission CounselorTransfer Agreements
Core-to-Core Agreement
Arcadia University agrees to accept the general education embedded in the Bucks A.A. and A.S. degrees as meeting all the requirements of its undergraduate general education requirements, except for the Global Connections Experience and Reflection and the Senior Capstone Course. (In the case where the student does not earn a “B” or better in English Composition I, a placement exam will be administered.) The Core-to-Core agreement allows the transfer student to concentrate primarily on completing the remaining courses in the major during the junior and senior years.
Guaranteed Transfer Admissions Agreement
Under the Guaranteed Transfer Admission Agreement, Bucks students will be guaranteed admission into a bachelor’s degree program with third year (junior) status (except for BFA Acting, Studio Art and Art Education students, as well as Pre-PA and Pre-PT) at AU on the condition that they:
- Graduate from BCCC with an A.A. or A.S. degree,
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5,
- Enroll at AU within one year of graduation from Bucks,
- Do not attend another institution of higher learning between the time they graduate from Bucks and enroll in AU,
- Complete a Gauranteed Admission Intent Form at the time of admission to Bucks, or no later than they have completed 30 transferable credits, and
- Satisfy all other regular AU admissions requirements.
The Guaranteed Transfer Admission agreement provides:
- A full time student admitted with junior status to AU will be able to complete a Bachelor’s degree program at AU within four regular semesters, provided that the student completes the eligible Bucks program and appropriately sequences and completes his/her remaining course work at AU.
- Application fee will be waived for students who enroll at AU pursuant to this agreement.
- Scholarships will be awarded based on final Bucks GPA.
Program Guides
Students who complete the A.A. degree at Bucks as specified in the program-to-program agreement and are admitted to Arcadia University will enter with junior status and are assured credit as indicated. Transfer guides are provided for the following agreement programs: (Guides are in the process of being updated. Please confer with the Advising and Transfer Center).
- A.A. in Business Administration (1009) into the B.A./B.S. Business Administration degree
- A.A. in Mathematics (1006) into the B.A./B.S. Mathematics degree,
- A.A. in Computer Science (1103) into the B.A/B.S. Computer Science degree, or
- A.A. in Information Science and Technology (1102) into the B.A. Computing Technology degree.
Agreement Scholarship
- There are generous Distinguished Scholarship opportunities for full-time (enrolled in 12 or more AU credits per semester) and part-time (enrolled in 6-11 AU credits per semester) students who have earned an A.A. or A.S. degree at BCCC.
- AU will award the following academic scholarships to eligible full time students admitted to AU pursuant to this agreement:
- minimum $7,500 for 3.0 – 3.19 cumulative GPA
- minimum $9,000 for 3.2 – 3.49 cumulative GPA
- minimum $14,000 for 3.5 – 4.0 cumulative GPA plus $5,000 Partner Scholarship.
- Part-time students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher will receive a $500 per year scholarship.
- All scholarships may be renewed each year contingent upon the student remaining in good academic standing at AU.