Appropriate Behavior During a Test
Academic dishonesty is inappropriate and unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated during tests or in any academic activity at BCCC. Academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Copying from another person's test or sharing your own work with another examinee,
- Offering another person's work as your own, such as having your test taken by someone else,
- Taking a test for another person,
- Possessing or using unauthorized materials, prepared notes or answers keys during a test,
- Stealing or attempting to steal a test booklet or answer key, or leaving the room with scrap paper.
Incidents of cheating require that a letter be written describing the incident; this will be sent to your instructor, to the Academic Department that provides the test, and to the Dean of Academic Affairs.
Students may be dismissed from the testing room or may have their scores canceled if they fail to follow any of the testing instructions given by the test proctors or those outlined below:
- Remain quiet throughout the exam. Whispering, talking, writing or any form of communication with other students during an exam is never appropriate.
- Remain in your chair until you finish the exam, unless you have permission from a proctor to leave the room.
- Use only materials approved by the test administrators during the exam.
- All testing materials should remain on your desk throughout the examination.
- Stop all work when time has been called.
- Turn in all examination materials (exam, scantron, scrap paper) before leaving the room.
For additional information on BCCC's policy pertaining to Academic Honesty, please refer to the BCCC Catalog.