Incoming Veterans
Welcome to Bucks! If you are an incoming student who is a veteran or member of the military, use this page to help you navigate your way and get started in your degree or certificate program at Bucks.
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) for Veterans
Some of the training and instruction you received in the military was likely equivalent to college-level coursework. When that prior learning matches a Bucks course needed for your Bucks program of study you may be eligible to receive equivalent credit for that course. Submit a PLA Application, order an official copy of your military transcript sent to Bucks and request evaluation.
The American Council for Education (ACE) evaluates military training and makes credit recommendations. They maintain many helpful resources for veterans on their website, along with instructions and links for ordering your military transcript. If you plan to challenge a course by exam, look into the financial support available for veterans and members of the military who wish to take CLEP or DSST exams.
Prepare to Register for Classes
Use the Course Planning Guide (PDF) to help you select your courses and plan your schedule. Register for COLL101, the College Orientation Seminar, to master success strategies, connect with resources and prepare for success at Bucks. Hold off on registering for any courses that you think you’ve already learned the material for and may wish to challenge through the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) program. Use the checklist for incoming veterans (PDF) to guide your successful transition to Bucks.
Connect with a faculty advisor in your Academic Department for support with course selection in your program of study before registering for your second semester at Bucks. Review the online College catalog and familiarize yourself with the College’s academic policies, campus regulations, and the section on student records, rights, and responsibilities where you will find the Code of Conduct.
Explore Campus Resources
While preparing to come to Bucks and even after settling in, use this information to explore your campus resources.
Check out the Learning Resources, where you’ll find the Library and Academic Success Center. The Help Desk and Services Center is where you can get instruction on your technology tools at Bucks, such as the College portal and WebAdvisor. Review the Veterans Benefits Information from Admissions. Take a look at the resources and programming in Student Life and the Student Life Information Center. Review the veterans information where you can connect to the Stars and Stripes Lounge and Veterans Club.
Be sure to take advantage of the many Student Services available at Bucks. If you are enrolling in an Occupational degree or certificate program, make use of the resources available from the Perkins Academic Support Services (PASS). Contact Advising and Counseling for Academic Advising and Counseling services and referrals. Beyond Bucks, Vet Centers provide local readjustment counseling (PDF) services. If you need accommodations for a disability, get in touch with Accessibility Office. Take advantage of Center for Student Employment + Career Development to support your transition to the civilian workplace. If you plan to continue your education at another institution after Bucks, use Transfer Services early in your planning to prepare for a smooth transition.
Tour our campus to get comfortable with your surroundings.
Work on Your Plan
Know the answers to these questions:
What are your long-term and short-term career goals? What will you need to accomplish in order to reach them? What KSAs - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities - will you need to qualify for the work you wish to do? How will you achieve those KSAs?
What degree or certificate program will you pursue at Bucks? Familiarize yourself with the requirements and any elective options. What courses will help you achieve those KSAs and reach your goals? How can you best choose electives to maximize the KSAs you will achieve through those courses?
What learning do you already have? Does it match any course(s) in your program of study? If so, create a PLA plan and submit a PLA Application so you can challenge courses for credit.
Conduct Career and Educational Research
Don’t know all the answers to the questions above just yet? That’s OK, now’s the time to do your research to help fill in the gaps.
Visit Center for Student Employment + Career Development and use the resources to plan your career and choose your major. Be sure to use all four tools in the Career Toolbox and explore other Career Services resources for students, such as the Career Planning Checklist (PDF). Stop by the Resource Room in Student Services for print resources and computer access.