Fast Track Information MATH089
The Fast Track Program is a one credit (nontransferable) course in which students review math concepts for individual math courses offered at Bucks. Students do not get credit for the individual courses they are able to test out of, however, their placement scores are adjusted accordingly. This allows them to take higher level maths sooner instead of later. Students could potentially skip one or more semesters of mathematics. This can save time and money while trying to earn a degree.
If your math placement is a 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, or 9, you can take advantage of the Fast Track Program. (Students must take the math placement test before starting the Fast Track Program.) The courses that correspond to the math placement scores are as follows:
- 1 - PreAlgebra 090
- 3 - Basic Algebra 095
- 5 - Intermediate Algebra 103
- 7 - College Algebra 120
- 8 - Trigonometry Analytic Geometry 122
- 9 - PreCalculus 125
The Fast Track program is an elearning course to be completed using the computer program ALEKS. If you would like further information on how the computer program ALEKS works, please click this link "ALEKS " for a pdf.
Fast Track sessions run either in three or six week sessions. Students are permitted to take it more than once to accomplish their goal.
In order for students to achieve a placement change, they must master at least 80% of the course they are working in. This is also the only way to receive an A for the course. The time needed to achieve this is very different for each student. Once the 80% has been reached, students have the option of starting the next course. If you do not finish a course, you are permitted to register for the next Fast Track session without losing any of the work completed in the previous section.
Students are responsible to purchase an ALEKS code that is about $40 for a six week subscription. This can be extended if you are taking a second session of the Fast Track.
If you would like further information on the Fast Track program, please contact your adviser.