Luray Gross
2002 Poet Laureate
Luray Gross is a poet, storyteller, and itinerant teacher. She is also a lover of the outdoors, parent of two young adults, and amateur social critic. Her love of literature and music was nurtured by parents who stole time from their work on their Bucks County farm to read, sing, and play the violin and piano. Gross has taught high school and college English, written for construction industry trade publications, told numerous traditional tales, and presented creative writing workshops for thousands of students of all ages. Two of her chapbooks have been published by New Jersey presses, and other poems have appeared in local and national journals. A full volume of her poems, The Perfection of Zeros, appeared in 2004.
Ars Poetica
Making poems is how I take revenge
on the uncle who groaned
“Spare me the details.”
Even though it’s like
pulling quarters out of a dead man’s ear.
Not talking exactly, or even singing.
More like listening.
Using words in order to remain silent.
I place my little loaves and fishes of language
on the table beside the chipped cup.
I want you to eat, to drink.
(from The Perfection of Zeros)