Bucks County Short Fiction Contest For High School Students
Call for Entries - 2025
The eighth annual Bucks County Short Fiction Contest for High-School Students invites entries from high school students who are residents of Bucks County, PA, or who are enrolled in high schools within the county. Home-schooled students are also eligible.
Submit your story
All students who are residents of Bucks County, PA, or are enrolled in a high school (grades 9-12) in Bucks County, PA, are eligible. Home-schooled Bucks County, PA students are also eligible.
Entry Rules
- Each entrant may submit one original short story. Stories must be previously unpublished, including in online blogs or publications. No fan fiction (based on existing books, movies or other media) is acceptable.
- Stories should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12, with standard margins. Stories may be five to ten pages, double spaced (about 1,450-2,400 words). DOC or DOCX.
- Please place the title of the story in the upper right-hand corner. Your name should not appear anywhere on the document.
- Please fill out the Entry Form completely and submit your story by 12 p.m. (noon) by Weds. March 13, 2025. Entries must be submitted electronically. No paper submissions will be accepted. There is no cost to enter the contest.
- Use of AI, including Grammarly, is strictly prohibited.
- Entries that do not follow these rules may be disqualified.
- The judges' decisions are final.
Notification of Winners
Winners will be notified by the Director of the BCCC Short Fiction Contest. All contestants will be notified using the phone number or email address you provided. Note: It's a good idea to check your phone and email in the week following the contest. If your submission cannot be accessed, this is how the contest director will attempt to reach you.
- First place: $200 Honorarium
- Second place: $100 Honorarium
- Third place: $50 Honorarium
A celebratory event will be held on Weds. April 23, at 7 p.m.
The Bucks County Community College is the sponsor of the Bucks Short Fiction Contests. The contest receives support from the Department of Language and Literature. The contest director is Bucks County Community College Professor Elizabeth Luciano. Faculty of the department will serve as judges.
More Information
Professor Elizabeth Luciano at elizabeth.luciano@bucks.edu.
2024 Winners Announced
The Bucks County Short Fiction Contest for High School Students is pleased to announce the winners for Spring 2024. There were 38 entries this year.
Olivia Beno, a junior at Pennsbury High School, was awarded first place for her story, "Death and Dreaming on the Golden Coast." Alaina Kass, a junior at Neshaminy High School, won second place for "The Sin of a Smile." Katie Krom, a senior at Neshaminy High School, captured third place for "Forever, Shattered." Dr. David Venditto, a faculty member at Bucks County Community College, made the final selections.
For more information, contact the contest coordinator, Prof. Elizabeth Luciano, at Elizabeth.Luciano@bucks.edu.
The Winning Short Fiction Stories
Death and Dreaming on the Golden Coast by Olivia Beno