KINS172 Gymnastics
Department of Health Sciences: Kinesiology
- I. Course Number and Title
- KINS172 Gymnastics
- II. Number of Credits
- 2 credits
- III. Number of Instructional Minutes
- 3000 minutes
- IV. Prerequisites
- None
- Corequisites
- None
- V. Other Pertinent Information
- None
- VI. Catalog Course Description
- This course satisfies requirements for physical education majors. Content includes an introduction to elementary tumbling and apparatus skills. It requires performance of specific skills, compulsory routines, and safe-class participation. Lifetime health benefits related to proper nutrition and exercise physiology are examined.
- VII. Required Course Content and Direction
Course Learning Goals
- This course provides for the successful practice and repetition of gymnastic activities so the student will increase his/her probability of developing a lifetime behavior of regular physical activity.
- This course will provide opportunities for supervised student-to- student interaction during practice trials. These experiences provide teachable moments that actualize personal, as well as, peer strengths and limitations. As a result, the student learns respect for others and a better understanding of the problems their peers may encounter.
- This course is designed to teach the student how to safely execute gymnastic skills so he/she can learn how to teach these skills to others.
- This course will teach physiological concepts that specifically relate to the body's responses to regular participation in gymnastic activities.
- Performance Objectives
- Through practice and performance of gymnastic activities, the student will improve his/her physical fitness by increased muscular strength and endurance, better joint flexibility and kinetic balance, improved posture, and lower percent of body fat.
- The student will learn how specific physiological principals control and stimulate healthful adaptations the body makes as a response to regular physical activity, such as stretch reflex and flexibility and cardio-respiritory processes and muscular endurance.
- The student will learn more about himself/herself as a performer of gymnastic skills, what his/her limitations are, and improved confidence in his/her ability to learn new skills.
- By demonstrating gymnastic skills and teaching and assisting their peers, the student will experience success and failure themselves and others. These experiences will help the student better learn how to cope with success and failure. This learning will help to develop the ability to teach others with empathy.
- Instructional Objectives: Given the appropriate gymnastic apparatus the college student should be able to perform the following:
- Women students will:
- Perform 5 compulsory skills on the balance beam, uneven parallel bar, and the tumbling mats.
- Perform a compulsory routine of united skills on the uneven parallel bars.
- Perform an individually developed routine on either the balance beam or floor exercise.
- Perform 6 compulsory skills and vaults on and over the vaulting side horse.
- Men students will:
- Perform 5 compulsory skills on each of the still rings, side horse, horizontal bar, parallel bar, and the tumbling mats.
- Perform 7 compulsory vaults over the vaulting side horse and long horse.
- Perform two compulsory routines of united skills on any two pieces of apparatus: still rings, side horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, or floor exercise.
- All students will become aware of the assembly and safety maintenance operations for each piece of apparatus by daily equipment set-up and testing.
- All students will verbally and physically demonstrate to the instructor the proper knowledge of teaching skill progression by teaching and assisting their peers with the selected compulsory requirements.
- Each student will demonstrate the correct spotting and safety techniques for each apparatus by assisting and spotting of their peers during practice.
- All students will be expected to attend and participate in a gymnastic demonstration whenever the college sponsors its annual campus open house.
Planned Sequence of Topics and/or Learning Activities
- Physiological Concepts. Physiological adaptations the body makes as a response to regular activity that improves:
- Muscular strength
- Muscular endurance
- Joint flexibility
- Kinetic balance
- Cardiovascular endurance
- Posture
- Physiological Concepts. Stress management
- Coping with success and failure
- Understanding others
- Women: Gymnastics I
- Compulsory skills on the balance beam:
- Walking
- Running
- Step-hopping
- Chasse'
- Knee scale
- Fall to deep, lunge on left leg, splitting arms, left forward, right rear to finish parallel to beam
- Single leg squat mount
- Back shoulder roll
- Step-leap
- Cartwheel dismount
- Compulsory skills in tumbling and floor exercises
- Forward roll tuck
- Backward roll tuck
- Dive forward roll headstand
- headstand
- Cartwheel
- Arabesque
- run and turn to music
- handspring with spot
- walk over with spot
- handstand forward roll
- Compulsory skills on the uneven parallel bars
- single leg cut-LB
- stem rise to-HB
- swan balance-HB
- single leg shoot through-LB
- ankle spin (German hand-turn)
- undercast dismount-LB
- cast from high bar
- squat dismount with spot
- back hip circle
- back pullover mount (high bar)
- Compulsory side horse vaulting
- proper run and hurdle
- up and off
- squat
- flank
- wolf
- straddle (optional in place of wolf)
- Compulsory routine on uneven parallel bars:
Jump to front support, back hip circle, grasp high bar with right hand in a regular grip. Pass a straight right leg over the low bar to stride sit. Grasp upper bar with left hand and pass straight left leg over the bar to join right leg. Drop to a hand and pull through to German hand to an ankle spin, finishing in a "V" seat on the low bar, facing end of bars. Turn so as to face high bar. Grasp high bar with right hand in a reverse grip under left hand, arms crossed. Cast to a straight hang as the body makes a one-half turn left. Straddle legs over low bar to sit position, double over grip, bounce leg off low bar to pull over on high bar. Quarter-turn dismount over low bar from high bar or underswing dismount over the low bar. - Individually developed routine:
- floor exercise
- balance beam
- Men: Gymnastics I
- Parallel bars
- Compulsory skills
- single leg cut on
- swing from cross support
- 5 dips
- straddle travel forward twice
- upper arm support to upper arm kip
- front uprise
- shoulder stand
- front vault dismount
- backward roll
- swing forward roll to upper arm support
- Compulsory routine
Bars at elbow height; front vault mount to cross-riding seat, move left or right leg cross to ½ turn. From a cross-seat, shoulder stand roll forward to another cross-riding seat. Travel forward to side sitting hold position, courage vault dismount. - Horizontal bar
- Compulsory skills
- 5 pull-ups
- swing from still hang
- ½ turn on forward swing to mixed grip
- pull-over to support
- single knee uprise from hang
- under-swing from support-dismount back swing
- single knee circle backward
- swing and kip
- back hip circle
- hock dismount
- Compulsory skills
Hang or jump to front pullover, fall back to high underswing, ½ turn on first forward swing, single knee uprise on next backswing, dismount with front ½ turn. - Side horse
*NOTE: In all movements on the side horse, stress should be placed on proper swing and rhythm by keeping arms straight and shifting body weight from side to side, keeping knees straight and toes pointed. - Compulsory skills
- jump to front support, squat to rear support, and back to front support.
- Single leg cuts-left and right
- Alternating leg cuts-left and right
- Single leg cut over, ½ turn
- Sitting straddle on croup from front to back
- Travel from croup to neck
- Single leg circle starting over same hand
- Leg swing mount
- Flank vault dismount
- Compulsory routine
Double leg mount over right pommel to rear support; single leg return with left leg, then right leg, to front support; single leg cuts in and out with left and then right leg with good swing; single leg cuts first left then right leg to rear support; single leg cut return with left leg and execute ½ turn to neck and rear vault ¼ turn inward, dismount. - Still rings
- Compulsory skills
- bent arm hang, extend left arm sideways and return, same with right arm
- inverted hang
- nest hang
- swing with maximum extension to pike
- single leg cuts, L and R
- muscle up
- skin-the-cat
- shoulder balance
- front or back uprise
- kip
- double leg cut-off backwards
- Compulsory routine
Lift legs to L position for 3 counts; pull back and then up to inverted pike hang, extend to straight inverted hang-hold for 3 counts; flex to pike hang and swing left or right leg over corresponding arm and roll-up over wrist to straight arm support – hold for 3 counts; pull back to pike hang, swing legs down and return, dislocate dismount. - Tumbling and floor exercises
- Compulsory skills
- kick to handstand and lower back to stand with control
- forward roll
- backward roll
- backward extension
- swinging leg circles
- Swedish fall
- "L" position on hands
- squat through
- cartwheel
- frog hand balance (5 seconds)
- hand spring with spot
- Compulsory routine (5 lengths)
- forward roll, dive roll, forward roll , dive roll
- forward roll, walkout, cartwheel, cartwheel, forward roll
- roundoff, backward roll, backward extension, backward roll, backward extension.
- Backward roll with legs crossed to forward roll, cartwheel, roundoff, backward extension
- Handspring
- Vaulting
- Long horse compulsory skills
- run, hurdle, land on beat board
- straddle
- squat with short buck
- Side horse
- up-and-off
- squat
- flank
- straddle
Assessment Methods for Course Learning Goals
Reference, Resource, or Learning Materials to be used by Student:
- The required textbook is selected by the full-time faculty teaching this course and will be specified in the Course Format. These details and others will be clarified in the Course Format created by each instructor and distributed to each student upon enrollment and attendance in class.
- Policies governing student evaluation, grades, and attendance, will be clarified by the instructor in the course syllabus.
Review/Approval Date - 12/03; Core Goals/Objectives added 6/04; New Core 8/2015; Revision 6/1/22