Reading and Study Skills
Spring 2025
Please click on the links below to search tutor schedules for your particular course or to request an appointment.
You can email or call 215-968-8044 to request an appointment or for additional information.
Please click on the Schedule Appointment link to check specific hours.
Please note: The semester schedule is subject to change. Click on Schedule Appointment and sign into TracCloud™ for the most up-to-date schedule.
What We Can Do
- Help you learn how to use the dictionary and thesaurus
- Help you with the definitions of your vocabulary words
- Help you write the context clue sentences for your vocabulary words
- Help you understand an assignment you've been given
- Help you to write your Reader's Digest summaries
- Help you to brainstorm before you write your reaction to the articles you are summarizing
- Help you with the assignments for the book you will be reading
Study Skills
- Help you to devise a time management plan for studying
- Help you to study for exams more efficiently
- Help you learn how to read better and retain more of what you have read
- Provide you with information about:
- Improving your note taking and listening skills
- Managing your test anxiety
- Identifying and eliminating study distraction
What We Can't Do
- Do your homework for you
- Be of any assistance with take-home quizzes or tests
- Tutor for placement or standardized tests, such as the Praxis, the TOEFL, the NLN, etc.