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CatalogZero Textbook Cost Initiative
Free access to course materials
Bucks County Community College offers over 145 courses with Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC).
Remote (synchronous) courses will use technology like Zoom for classes at designated times, as listed in the schedule. This means classes include regular, virtual class meetings where students can interact with instructors and fellow classmates. Classes previously designated hybrid or face-to-face will have a virtual meeting component that is outlined in the course syllabus. It may be all class time or a portion of the scheduled time, with the remaining learning time online.
Online (asynchronous) classes are taught using a Learning Management System (LMS) like Canvas. All materials are shared via this tool. These classes do not include a virtual meeting format. Designated meeting times are not required and all work can be done virtually. Online courses do have deadlines for submitting completed work and taking quizzes and exams; they are not self-paced.
Zoom is a cloud platform for video, voice, content sharing, and chat that runs across mobile devices, desktops, telephones, and room systems. If your courses have a synchronous remote component. they are likely to use Zoom or another similar technology.
Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) that Bucks uses. An LMS is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs.
Writing Across the College (WAC)
Bucks has long been at the forefront of writing across the curriculum, helping students develop their writing skills for a successful future. Writing Across the College includes and goes beyond academic writing to provide professional and creative writing opportunities for students, employees, and the general public. Click here to get to the Writing Across the College landing page and discover the writing opportunities and resources available at Bucks.
What do the course modality codes mean?
N/B/U – (N = Newtown, B = Bristol, U = Upper) 100% in-person – classes meeting fully on a campus without an online component
H – (H = Hybrid) – classes meeting on a campus part of the time with an online, asynchronous component (for example, meet only Tuesdays from 9:25-10:40)
M – (M = mixed modality) classes meeting part of the time synchronously using a digital component (using a tool such as Zoom) and a balance of online, asynchronous learning
T – (T = technology) classes meeting all of the time synchronously using a digital component (using a tool such as Zoom)
HT – (HT = Hybrid Technology) classes meeting on a campus part of the time (for example, meet only Tuesdays from 9:25-10:40) with an online, synchronous component (for example, meet only Thursdays from 9:25-10:40)
E – (E = eLearning) fully asynchronous online learning
C – (C = Community sites)
HY – (HY = Hyflex) In a hyflex class, the faculty member conducts simultaneous instruction with a group of face-to-face students and a group of students remotely using a digital component (such as Zoom). Students attend one day on campus and one day remotely.
Student Resources
Our students have access to a wide variety of services and resources. Learn about student services like counseling and accessibility, academic resources like tutoring and library services, and campus resources like the bookstore and security.