4.26 Retired Very Important Persons (RVIP)
I. Purpose
To acknowledge Bucks County Community College employees who have retired from the college in good standing.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all full and part-time employees who have served for 10 years or more.
III. General
Employees who have retired in good standing shall be granted RVIP status. The following privileges shall be extended to the employee only (spouse and children are excluded) upon receiving such status:
- Parking privileges of current employees.
- On-site library privileges and borrowing of college owned materials.
- Receipt of information on various college activities.
- Availability of an email account.
- Use of Wellness Center and pool as available.
- Attend credit and non-credit courses as outlined in policy 4.8 regarding tuition waiver for employees.
IV. Procedures
V. Approval
President June 2016
VI. Responsibility
Executive Director, Human Resources